Sadly…I actually think he’s kinda great., my fault. He can be long winded tho…and when he misses he misses bad…but he raps better than like 95% of these guys, imo. Y’all need to go analyze that wordplay in the Roc joint again…probably missed a lot of it cause he doesn’t draw it out and do all the Minority Report hand movements and all that with it
. But yeah, Mook with the dirty 30 if Twork just comes with a bunch of fire punches and wordplay…gotta hit harder than that for Mook, pause. And this is me going against my admitted bias, I’m a Twork guy, I want Twork to win…pause all that. Btw, I hated Mook back in the day, was never impressed. New Mook >>>>>>>> Old Mook
Oh brother take a look at this guy