Lux asked URL about battling Nitty before this whole Hitman thingLol they don't have to sell anything, it would have come off corny and forced to start shyt talking lux in that environment knowing they don't really have no issue with him and was probably just kicking it with him back stage lol.
But lux jumped on spaces for hitman. Lux did that. Not going to fool the battle rap community with that one. And let's make it clear I get it, and I'm watching but we not go play stupid like we don't know what this is. I don't believe for one minute no leagues will not book lux vs jc Danny nitty or dna. Lux just wants to run a bag up and he knows he can do that with hitman name. Nothing wrong with that but let's just call it what it is though let's not act like hitman went overboard trying to get lux. Hell hitman even tried to fall back from it. So the sell the fight angle don't work here. Lux selling that fight with hitman. He could have sold the fight with the other 4 too.
I think he'll end up battling both