i knew kwa was gonna crash out. certainly, last week when they had people coming up on the live and they were shouting out caps and harlem legend and kwa said "im here too, wtf?!" he really one of them niggs that has no poker face.
plus, all them lives were on caps and legend's channel. i knew that money was getting to him when they had green ranger up there a few days ago and he said, "you need to do this, that and the third and that way we can all eat..." im like, nigg WE?! yeah, they aint feedin you over there.
eazy is cookin all these niggs that got bread off him the last month like it was funny cause he in controversy and now the well done dried up, they beefin scramblin for content for these daily shows and he pulling these jokers up while they at each other's necks.
all fun til the rabbit grab the gun.