They gotta have a part 2shyt faded to black quick af lol
They gotta have a part 2shyt faded to black quick af lol
Born Legacy 13 Announcement 5
Arsonal/Suge/O-Red vs Eaze/Hansel/Awthentic
...yeah this is a 3v3...
Born Legacy 13 Announcement 5
Arsonal/Suge/O-Red vs Eaze/Hansel/Awthentic
...yeah this is a 3v3...
Piperboy Williams said he talked to Knowledge and he said he won't spoil what Papoose said, cause I guess HHIR is coming out with a second video but he said Eazy gonna have to talk after it drops
PB deleted the video since. It was only up for a few minutes
Man, what?!Born Legacy 13 Announcement 5
Arsonal/Suge/O-Red vs Eaze/Hansel/Awthentic
...yeah this is a 3v3...
Piperboy Williams said he talked to Knowledge and he said he won't spoil what Papoose said, cause I guess HHIR is coming out with a second video but he said Eazy gonna have to talk after it drops
PB deleted the video since. It was only up for a few minutes
Bill said him and Eazy knew each other before battle rap, so their side of Philly must be victims5mins inEAZY THE BLOCK THROWS SH@TS / SEE YALL SOON
DONATE - CASH APP $PIPERBOYWILLIAMSTWITTER - is a new channel. Subscribe.#piperboywilliams
it’s obvious eazy got touched
he ain’t even show his face cuz he healing
if bill collector and eazy become best friends it cuz they got common ground
It may not mean much but I do feel like this little portion of the Coli has a certain amount of integrity.
You brothers may have it like that but why bet more than $100 if you've never bet each other before?
I mean I'm not risking my life in a physical confrontation to collect $250 but it's enough for me to find your address and send some Anthrax or something.
so he do be seein