I think the crowd shyt is 2 fold.
1. Your battlers arent putting in any effort for the most part. They dont sound energetic. They lack performance. I bet you someone like Surf/Ez wouldve livened up the crowd. It's also a 2v2, and most hardcore fans that wouldve made a good crowd probably dont care for 2v2s like that. So that leaves the more casual ppl coming, that's probably there for the main event only. I think the main event was the most active the crowd was that night. Battlers also need to stop bytching at the crowd when they dont get a response.
2. Like with wrestling going to a venue too many times in a short period, they wearing out their crowd with all the ATL events. So if you not bringing some heavy hitters, you not gonna get a good crowd at this point.
Also taking 20 minutes between each battle aint helping the crowds mood either. That's an extra hour+ you putting them through. This is on top of another surprise battle that no one wants to see, so just wasting time. I guess Sheed is who they pushing as the next star? Surprise battle on Nome Impact and Summer Madness or w/e that big card was last year?