I'm a "bars over everything" person, but I got Will 2-1 or 30 Los just isn't entertaining and it comes across super unnatural to me. Copped the VOD, great event, happy to support. RBE killing shyt lately. Battles I care about (they were all good to great):
Showoff/Trez - Showoff 2-1, possible Gentleman's 30. Trez had more energy than usual which was good, but Show was barking from THE FIRST BAR. Showoff seems motivated again lately. Called out Calicoe again, ARP needs to have this on the next Max Out. Cal keeps talking shyt as if Show is beneath him, but I'm now wondering if he's ducking.
Clips/Frozenberg - Debeateable. Both were good but not their best. Clips probably would have won clear if he freestyled.
Swave/Loko - Swave 30. Loko's rounds were shortish, but Swave appears to be back. Best Swave in YEARS. Real talk 3rd at ARP and Smack, then went right back in on Loko. Loko was still good though. Swave needs to just take battles that motivate him like this. He challenged Jag. This Swave in his bag will beat Jag handily.
Bigg K/Mook - K 30. THE DAWG STRIKES AGAIN. Prep Time Bigg K is a thing now. He's knocked off the Great White Hope and The Logo. Two more of these and he has to be Top 5 for COTY. Mook was cool, but K's material hit harder and was damaging. Mook had some shyt, but not as potent.
Titties 30. Clearly, no debating

8/10 event.