Dude posted on batman-news.com comment section claiming to have seen BvS:
dodong27 •
16 hours ago "For “Batman v Superman, I wanted to really dig into everything from ideas about American power to the structure of revenge tragedies to the huge canon of DC Comics to Amazon mythology."
He executed this very well, and it was beautiful to see. <3
dodong27 Rob A •
15 hours ago Enjoy the wait, it's all worth it.
I kind of wish I was still on your shoes, eager and anxious to see this film.
But all in all, hype met and exceeded.
Zack Snyder is expanding his skills, and bringing other elements to the CBM genre. If movie goers doesn't see that, and want to stick with the popcorn flicks, then it's their lost, it'll be a shame really, shame...
dodong27 metron •
15 hours ago I can only answer-
5. Lex Luthor is on par with Ledger's Joker. Intense and menacing, way better villain than Loki, and Lex doesn't even has super-powers.