Lefty Gunz
El Maybe
I would prefer a straightforward Teen Titans flick instead of that odd mash-up thing that TNT is supposedly doing.So El Mayimbe is saying that instead of making it into the TNT series, WB is currently developing a Teen Titans movie along with a Birds of Prey movie to add to the DCEU
Everytime someone mentions birds of pray all I can think of is that shytty WB show they did in like 03
idkOne of the CG artists for BvS said WB gave him 7 days to come up with a Darkseid design based off of Javier Bardem's likeness. He came up with this
I'm sure they'll push it more towards the comic version while keeping some sort of resemblance of Who ever actor they cast. But yeah dude needs to push more of the classic Kirby brow on that design.One of the CG artists for BvS said WB gave him 7 days to come up with a Darkseid design based off of Javier Bardem's likeness. He came up with this