The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


I used to drop Lewinsky off at the White House.
Dec 15, 2015
18,928 I got around to seeing this last week and pretty much everything bad I read or heard about the movie was true......I didn't even let the bad reviews phase me because I was still hype going in to see it and was convinced I was gone come out the movies like :blessed:. Nah.....I was getting bored through like the first was jumping all around...I will say I didn't have that much of a problem with "Goofy" Lex. It was a lil too much at times but I wasn't really tripping on that. Ben Affleck did his thing. If this whole DC thing fails they can get just go back to making solo Batman flicks with him:pachaha:. I'm not a comic book dude but I always been more of a DC> Marvel person but this movie made me see everything Marvel did right with setting all their characters up. We didn't need those Justice League clips...shyt..the movie barely had Superman in it. The "fight" lasted about 5 mins. Martha:martin::upsetfavre::stopitslime::aicmon::camby:. Wonder Woman was cool. By the end of the movie I didn't give a shyt about any of the characters so the last fight and Superman's death was just like :manny: to me. I saw it the week after it came out so it wasn't packed but at the end everybody walked out buzz. Heard some dudes talking and they was shytting on the end. DC off to a great start:francis:


Jun 10, 2012
Daddy issues. He's the son of the original Lex - Alexander Luthor, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - or at least that's my take on it. His pops made him obsessed with power and he didn't like that Supes was powerful AND loved. His pops was powerful and terrible so he was pushing that shyt on to Supes. Just like how Degrasse-Tyson was explaining in that interview on TV. Everyone was pushing themselves onto Supes and Lex's version of that manifested into this version of his dad that he had to kill or corrupt

At first, I couldn't fukking stand this version of Bats, but by the end of the movie it made sense. This was the fukked up jaded version that Joker always wanted Bats to turn into.

I'm quite sure this is one of those movies that people will rewatch, or explanations of things they left to the imagination will come out, and then people will LOVE it. I legitimately don't understand what people hated about this movie by the end of it. It was magnificent to me.

I strongly disagree. If you already liked it then fine but that's not what counts. This film needs to sway the people on the fence or those that didn't like it in order to change popular opinion. I don't see those people copping the Blu Ray or going for a rewatch. If anything they will scrutinize it even further.

Here's why I didn't like it:
-Superman was wooden/lifeless
-Lex was terrible
-editing was a mess
-story was a mess
-dream sequences
-rushed the JL introduction
-too dark (not in tone but visually)
-too long

All those points you mentioned about Lex and Batman needed to be fleshed out on screen. People shouldn't have to go to Wikipedia to fill in the blanks and make assumptions about character motivations. If you don't know why the villain is against the protaganist that's not good story telling. It's the filmmaker's job to do that while your butt is still in the theater.

I can't really argue against that point, but I like movies that don't just lay everything out on a platter. The American movie goer has gotten crazy simplistic and I think that's why so many people "hated" it, but if you're paying attention the story is amazing. The storytelling component of the movie isn't lacking at all. I bet most people zoned out when those TV interviews popped up because the main characters weren't on the screen, but I was listening. It provided insight into what the people of that world were thinking and what Lex's motivation might be.

:comeon: That's an insult. There's plenty of movies far more complex than BvS that critics and audiences alike rave about. That's not why people had a problem with it. Don't attack the audience when you just pointed out major flaws in the story (Lex's motivation, Darkseid foreshadowing, Batman portrayal). Why assume that people weren't paying attention? If you've payed attention to the critique you'd notice a pattern. The same issues are being addressed by people who didn't like the movie. Even people who liked it noticed the same flaws. Maybe you can look past them but others couldn't.
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Apr 30, 2012
I strongly disagree. If you already liked it then fine but that's not what counts. This film needs to sway the people on the fence or those that didn't like it in order to change popular opinion. I don't see those people copping the Blu Ray or going for a rewatch. If anything they will scrutinize it even further.

Here's why I didn't like it:
-Superman was wooden/lifeless
-Lex was terrible
-editing was a mess
-story was a mess
-dream sequences
-rushed the JL introduction
-too dark (not in tone but visually)
-too long

All those points you mentioned about Lex and Batman needed to be fleshed out on screen. People shouldn't have to go to Wikipedia to fill in the blanks and make assumptions about character motivations. If you don't know why the villain is against the protaganist that's not good story telling. It's the filmmaker's job to do that while your butt is still in the theater.

:comeon: That's an insult. There's plenty of movies far more complex than BvS that critics and audiences alike rave about. That's not why people had a problem with it. Don't attack the audience when you just pointed out major flaws in the story (Lex's motivation, Darkseid foreshadowing, Batman portrayal). Why assume that people weren't paying attention? If you've payed attention to the critique you'd notice a pattern. The same issues are being addressed by people who didn't like the movie. Even people who liked it noticed the same flaws. Maybe you can look past them but others couldn't.

The only point I went to wikipedia for was to explain Lex Jr. That's it.

The only thing I personally think was sloppy was the Dream sequence, but that's lending itself to the larger picture so whatevs and how easily Lex rolled the guy in the chair into doing his bidding as well as the Senator's lackey initially giving him access to anything he wanted without restriction. Everything else we can agree to disagree on that. I don't understand how you thought Supes was lifeless. He's not supposed to be Deadpool or even Captain America. That cat has never been the dude throwing out speeches at people. He's a boy scout that relies on actions. Always has been. I liked the way they did the JLA. It was a hell of a lot better to me than adding in 10 seconds clips after the credits of each movie for years.

I don't think what I pointed out was flaws nor do I say that it was one of the most complex movies I've ever seen, but this all ties into why I said the audience (Americans) are simple as shyt especially as it pertains to comic book movies. They need films to follow a specific archetype, they need the hero/heroes, they need the villains, they need the villain to do something directly to the hero to spur the conflict or have the lines be specifically drawn, then lastly it all needs to be wrapped in a simple bow. Let's take Marvel's movies as an example Iron Man (Stane wanted control of the company. Stabs Tony in the back. Tony comes back with an Iron Suit), Capt. America (US vs Nazi/Hydra), Avengers (Avengers vs Thanos/Loki), Deadpool (Deadpool vs. Those people that cured him, but took his face). For the majority of this movie if you came in blind, and not a Bats or Supes stan, your version of who the villain was (Bats/Supes/Lex/The Senator) could depend on your own personal barometer of right and/or wrong vs. what they were doing. The majority of the people that I've heard complain the most about this movie being "terrible" was mad because there was no clear winner in the Bats vs Supes fight AND the 2nd most complaint is it didn't have any jokes. They're at fukking war. It's not supposed to be funny. How can those be the primary complaints if they ARE paying attention to the characters or the story? One is at the end of his rope and the other is judged no matter how much good he's's funny you seem more upset by my last point when studio execs think the audience is dumber than I do. How do you think we got to the point of blockbusters (primarily comic book movies) or oscar bait being the movies they only really fund anymore? Formuliac sequels, reboots from nostalgic franchises, whitewashed casts, "original" ideas are just remakes from foreign films, market testing that always results in making the movie more vanilla. People in this country will watch a film just because it has a familiar name....and those are the folks you want to defend? Nah.


May 12, 2012
finally watching. so damn disjointed. has some cool shyt going for it, but it's all over the place. you already know this though.

i totally buy the Joker is Jason Todd theory btw. Bruce dropped that "no more good guys left" or something line to Alfred and it reeked of it

Scoot McNeary is getting pass for being absolutely terrible also


May 12, 2012
man, i fukkin regret not seeing this opening night. i wanna write a novel of nitpicks, but everything has been covered ad nauseam at this point.


May 12, 2012
yo, i can't get over people liking Wonder Woman's theme music, it's awful.

they got the iconic "trinity" shot for the first time ever, and there's this shytty video game sounding guitar riff playing over it... the fukk?


May 12, 2012
Amy Adams Jennifer Lawrence Mystiqued this fukkin movie...


I thought it was the mess most people did, i didn't think any particular performance stood out, even Affleck. They were all fine outside of Scoot and Eisenberg... but i also can't wait for Justice League now... even though Wonder Woman was underwhelming as a motherfukker. not sure what i missed there. the Doomsday fight was fukkin terrible.

oh and what's with the Alfred hype? He sat in a chair and ha 7 minutes of screentime. Any actor on the planet could have pulled that role off.