Daddy issues. He's the son of the original Lex - Alexander Luthor, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. - or at least that's my take on it. His pops made him obsessed with power and he didn't like that Supes was powerful AND loved. His pops was powerful and terrible so he was pushing that shyt on to Supes. Just like how Degrasse-Tyson was explaining in that interview on TV. Everyone was pushing themselves onto Supes and Lex's version of that manifested into this version of his dad that he had to kill or corrupt
At first, I couldn't fukking stand this version of Bats, but by the end of the movie it made sense. This was the fukked up jaded version that Joker always wanted Bats to turn into.
I'm quite sure this is one of those movies that people will rewatch, or explanations of things they left to the imagination will come out, and then people will LOVE it. I legitimately don't understand what people hated about this movie by the end of it. It was magnificent to me.
I can't really argue against that point, but I like movies that don't just lay everything out on a platter. The American movie goer has gotten crazy simplistic and I think that's why so many people "hated" it, but if you're paying attention the story is amazing. The storytelling component of the movie isn't lacking at all. I bet most people zoned out when those TV interviews popped up because the main characters weren't on the screen, but I was listening. It provided insight into what the people of that world were thinking and what Lex's motivation might be.
I strongly disagree. If you already liked it then fine but that's not what counts. This film needs to sway the people on the fence or those that didn't like it in order to change popular opinion. I don't see those people copping the Blu Ray or going for a rewatch. If anything they will scrutinize it even further.
Here's why I didn't like it:
-Superman was wooden/lifeless
-Lex was terrible
-editing was a mess
-story was a mess
-dream sequences
-rushed the JL introduction
-too dark (not in tone but visually)
-too long
All those points you mentioned about Lex and Batman needed to be fleshed out on screen. People shouldn't have to go to Wikipedia to fill in the blanks and make assumptions about character motivations. If you don't know why the villain is against the protaganist that's not good story telling. It's the filmmaker's job to do that while your butt is still in the theater.
That's an insult. There's plenty of movies far more complex than BvS that critics and audiences alike rave about. That's not why people had a problem with it. Don't attack the audience when you just pointed out major flaws in the story (Lex's motivation, Darkseid foreshadowing, Batman portrayal). Why assume that people weren't paying attention? If you've payed attention to the critique you'd notice a pattern. The same issues are being addressed by people who didn't like the movie. Even people who liked it noticed the same flaws. Maybe you can look past them but others couldn't.
yo when bats was in that car chase and saw superman he was like
that shyt had me in tears
and he got the bat mobile smashed![]()
how nikka find out cuz im not payin again for the shyti went to pick my son up from my bms parents crib and these muthafukkas watching this shyt on the big screen
copy look official than a muthafukka![]()
Get Kodi then get some unofficial add ons. Genesis is the best one.need that online leak not paying to watch this again. i wanna see what i missed and give it a few more runs to really disect it