I agree. Doom isn't just a villain you pop into a movie....we need a 100% origin story either before or after he's introduced.
Another villain that needs his own origin story, that I'm sure Fox will completely fukk up, is Mister Sinister. His back story is really interesting and sad.
I just want him to remain in the mask like he is in the comics and like most Villain characters are.
Like my biggest pet peeve with super hero movies is the masked ones..... they always try so hard to find ways to unmask them and I get it!!
You’re paying big money for this star you’re banking on leading this franchise and us to buy tickets for. But a lot of these unmasking scenes are unreal and not necessary.
Like in ASM 1 when he went in the sewers Spider-Man would never take his mask off and just walk around all leisurely or cats ain’t just gonna get they mask ripped off or fukked up like that in the final battles.
If I was an actor and as much as I too would love my shine via mad face screen time..... I would also have more respect for the characters in mask and just tell the director to keep me in full costume like on the comics..... cuz people are ultimately paying to see the characters and not me. I’m cool with a voiceover