At least you had a girlJust getting out the theater...I’m speechless
If i wasn’t with my girl i’d cry like a bytch
GOAT MARVEL movie..GOAT comic movie...GOAT movie i’ve seen in idk ever
I need a build-a-bear after that
At least you had a girlJust getting out the theater...I’m speechless
If i wasn’t with my girl i’d cry like a bytch
GOAT MARVEL movie..GOAT comic movie...GOAT movie i’ve seen in idk ever
I liked this better than Infinity War.
I sat next to a guy I know was annoyed by my emotional outburstsAt least you had a girl
I need a build-a-bear after that
Oh shyt, fixed. ThanksYou should spoiler you post or edit it out. A lot of people won't see it until the weekend
Oh wow I wonder whyMy seat also smelled a little spunky
I don't wanna think about itOh wow I wonder why
Yeah these reserve seats makes mofos get they head knocked off. Nah muhfukka i waited 2 hours on fandango 2 get these seats. Yall gotta raise upmy brother just texted me that someone sat in his seat and he told them to raise up
the guy and his girl said "come on let us sit here, we got bad seats"
my brother.....
Spoiler breh!