The Official Anabolic Thread

Nature's Fury

addicts of drugs not yet synthesized
Jun 26, 2014
My guy is tryna put me on sustanon trenabolin blend, deca, and superdrol. I think imma just go for the tren and try that out for a few months to get over this plateau.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
My guy is tryna put me on sustanon trenabolin blend, deca, and superdrol. I think imma just go for the tren and try that out for a few months to get over this plateau.
He's trying to kill you :pachaha:

Roll with the Tren and Test Sus

If your first time try just test sus


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Anapolon (Oxymetholone)
Anapolon has been the strongest, oral steroidal compound, which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which has been currently only available for institutional use in Mexico. Clinically, Anapolon had been often prescribed in efforts to treat anemias that had been caused by deficient red cell production. The androgenic and high anabolic properties of Anapolon have been substandard of Testosterone, which had been perinined this compound to have also been a dramatic muscle building product. Many athletes had claimed the strength and weight increases had been very substantial within is a relatively short period of time. This characteristic had allowed the compound of Anapolon to be a very popular choice of oral steroidal compounds amongst many athletes, primarily those of the male gender. Most athletes had frequently experienced a general weight increase of approximately 10 to 15 lbs or more, within two weeks with the administration of this compound. This of course, had been largely attributed to the tremendous amount of water retention which had immediately increased the muscle diameters, which in turn, had permitted a rapid increased size appearance. Consequently, this retained amount of water in the muscle cells and joints had also additionally provided a smooth appearance, as the size increase had been quantitative, not qualitative. An advantageous effect of the water retention however, had been the ability to eliminate, or having soothed associated joint problems, which had been due to this side effect's subsequent lubricating quality. This had often been appreciated by most athletes, as this characteristic had frequently allowed for intense workouts, which had often been previously somewhat restricted, due to associated aggravated pain in the joints.

The Anapolon oral steroidal compound had further increased the number of red blood cells, which in turn, had enabled the muscles to absorb more oxygen. This had generally resulted in the muscle being able to have endured more physical stress, which had been due to the significant increase in blood volume. A "pump" effect had often been experienced when training particular muscles, and had even become somewhat painful to the extent, that the performed exercise had frequently been required to have been abandoned, in order to have alleviated this sensation.

However, this perception of increased strength and power had commonly been desired by all athletes who had practiced the self administration of this compound, as this sensation had usually been indicative that the compound of Anapolon had indeed, been performing to it's full capacity. Several athletes had also claimed that another distinguishing trait of Anapolon, had been the increased training duration's, as this compound had been able to have stimulated the regeneration of the body, which often had enabled further muscle building progress, and had stalled the possibility of over training.

However, although the substance of Anapolon had been powerful, it unfortunately, also had imposed the highest threat for serious adverse reactions out of any oral or injectable steroids compounds. A few athletes had experienced excessive water retention which had sometimes resulted in high blood pressure. Anapolon had very high DHT levels, and had been very toxic to the liver, due to the characteristics of being C-17 alphaallrylated steroid.

Although the Anapolon steroidal compound had been known for quick strength and mass gains, it's utilization had not been suitable for novices, and had only been used by some athletes after a certain development had been achieved; or consequently, the prior use of weaker steroid compounds had been experienced.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Anabolicum Vister (Quinbolone)
Unfortunately, Anabolicum Vister (Quinbolone) wasn't very popular in the United States, and most of the research on it was written in Italian. Why is that important? Well, most of the research on it is written in Italian. I'm one of those guys who doesn't even like to read the menu out loud at an Italian restaurant I usually have to point at the item I want to avoid looking too stupid.

Anabolicum Vister is yet another attempt at creating a steroid with the basic idea of altering the Methandrostenolone/Boldenone structure. As we already know, Equipoise (Boldenone) is basically a non-17alpha alkylated version of Dianabol, with an Undeclynate ester added. What we're looking at in Anabolicum Vister (Quinbolone) is basically Eq or Boldenone but with a cyclopentenyl ester at the 17-alpha position to increase its lipophillicity, in lieu of the undeclynate ester found in Eq. It's yet another attempt at a non-toxic oral anabolic like Andriol, and it used a similar delivery system. It was sealed in an oil-filled capsule, so that the oil could be absorbed by the lymphatic system just like it is with Andriol and thus it could by-pass the liver and avoid being broken down that way, which is how most oral steroids (the 17-alpha-alklyated ones) are. Your lymphatic system is a bunch of veins and arteries that can only absorb water, the idea behind Anabolicum Vister takes advantage of this state of affairs.

View TEST-600X™ Product
Anyway, as you may have heard, using the lymphatic system as a delivery vehicle for steroids is very problematic. Blood levels are all over the place (6)(9), and in some people it seemed as if most of the time it didn't metabolize properly at all. Therefore, as with Andriol, effective doses of this steroid are necessarily high. Originally, each capsule had 10 mg of quinbolone, and you needed to take 10-20caps mg to get any kind of decent anabolic effect (9)(5)(4). Remember, we're talking about oral EQ here, so you're better off with just shooting some nice Stark brand Eq (or Ganabol, or whatever you happen to like). While you won't get any benefits with Anabolicum Vister over regular Eq, it will basically do all of the same things Eq will. This stuff will help you lose a bit of fat (4)(5), will increase strength and muscle (5), and also (as Eq is noted for) increase red blood cell production (2). The kicker, for me, is that this drug was given a new name, Quinbolone, while its basically just boldenone cyclopentenyl. That's just idiotic.

As we already know from the properties of the Boldenone base, this is a particularly safe steroid. Anabolicum Vister is not liver toxic (8), and has little or no interaction with the 5AR enzyme (6), so it doesn't really form much of the more androgenic metabolite Dihydroboldenone. We also know that it has only half the ability to interact with aromatase as testosterone, so it won't convert too much estrogen. Unlike it's brother, Methandrostenolone (dbol), it doesn't have the structural alteration of the 17-alpha-methyl group that makes it form a more potent estrogen (6).

What we have here (although it has been discontinued) is basically oral Eq, which requires too many caps per day to be cost effective over injectable Eq, but nonetheless may be an interesting drug if a underground lab starts producing some. The original company that made it has, sadly, stopped doing so.

Boldenone shown with Undeclynate Ester

[1,4-androstadiene-3-one,17b-ol (+ ester 17beta-(1-Cyclopenten-1-yloxy) ]
Molecular Formula (of Base): C19H26O2
Molecular Formula (of Ester):N/A
Molecular Weight (of Base): 286.4132
Molecular Weight (of Ester): 352.5156
Melting Point:N/A
Manufacturer: Parke Davis (Discontinued)
Effective Dose (women): 50-100mgs/day
Active Life: less than 8-12 hours
Detection Time:2-3 months
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 100:50


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Cialis (Tadalafil)

Tadalafil is one of the more popular erectile dysfunction (ED) medications on the market and is most commonly associated with the brand name Cialis. Released by GlaxoSmithKline in 2003 and now owned by Eli Lilly, Cialis is very similar to the popular ED medication Viagra with the biggest difference being the drug’s active life. Cialis will produce erections for 36-48 hours from one single dose where Viagra is limited to 4-6 hours from one single dose. Cialis is also prescribed for the treatment of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), which refers to an enlarged prostate that results in difficulty or frequent urination.

Cialis Functions and Traits
Tadalafil belongs to the class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PED5 Inhibitor). The treatment of ED is the drug’s primary purpose with the treatment of BPH being a secondary benefit discovered years after the drug was released. Cialis (name brand) as well as any generic brand of Tadalafil carries an active half-life of approximately 18 hours. Due to the long half-life and even longer active life, Cialis is commonly referred to as “The Weekend Pill”. The PED5 does not produce erections on its own, sexual stimulation must still exist, but it will ensure an erection can be maintained if blood flow issues were preventing it before.

Cialis, as with other common PED5 inhibitors functions by increasing the blood flow to the penis. The penile arteries are relaxed and nitric oxide is released via the nerves to the endothelial cells into the penis. This action promotes the synthesis of cGMP thereby resulting in a fuller, stronger and longer lasting erection. Those who suffer from ED may do so in a way that prevents them from obtaining an erection or they may be able to obtain one but unable to maintain it due to poor penile blood flow. Cialis will remedy such blood flow issues.

Effects of Cialis
The effects of Cialis (positive effects) are very straightforward and primarily surround ED treatment. ED can be caused by the lack of blood flow into the penis, which Cialis can remedy. However, ED can also be caused by a low libido, which is more commonly due to improper hormone levels in the body, most commonly low testosterone. If a hormone problem exists yet blood flow is fine, Cialis will not remedy the ED issue nor will any PED5 medication. However, while it will remedy a blood flow issue, there are many men who need both issues addressed, blood flow and hormone.

The effects of Cialis have also been used to treat high blood pressure in some cases as the medication will lower blood pressure; in fact, in 2009 Cialis was approved for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. In 2011 it was then approved for the treatment of BPH as it was shown to reduce pressure around the prostate and urinary tract.

Side Effects of Cialis
There are side effects of Cialis, possible side effects, but they are not guaranteed and normally dependent on genetics and dosing if too much is taken. Like all PED5 inhibitors vision impairment is the most worrisome possible side effect of Cialis; however, Tadalafil has the lowest rate of incident amo ng PED5’s. Other possible yet infrequent side effects of Cialis may include:

Sore Muscles
Lower Back Pain
The above side effects of Cialis should last no more than a few hours if they occur and are due to the drugs ability to widen blood vessels. If such effects occur most men will find a lower dose fixes the problem. However, in some cases they may need to seek out alternate PED5’s for their ED or BPH needs.

Important Note: Cialis should not be taken with nitrates due to its ability to lower blood pressure. Nitrates should not be taken for at least 48 hours before Cialis use with most nitrate users needing to avoid this and all PED5’s.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Cialis Administration
Cialis is available in numerous dosing strengths but in all strengths is a pill taken orally. It is a mustard colored pill with a large ‘C’ and the milligram strength imprinted on one side of the pill. Original Cialis is found in 5mg, 10mg and 20mg strengths. Daily Cialis is found in 2.5 and 5mg strengths.

If taking Daily Cialis (2.5-5mg) it should be taken once per day. This is sufficient to treat many cases of BPH and more often than not ED. However, the lower dose despite daily use may not be enough for some ED conditions. If standard Cialis is taken it can be taken at any time of the day. The medication will begin to work in as little as 30 minutes for some but take a little longer for others.

Important Note: When prescribed for arterial hypertension 2.5mg per day is the normal dose, but it is often sold under the brand name Adcirca for this purpose although the brand name Cialis will accomplish the same.

Availability of Cialis
Cialis is available at most major pharmacies around the world both retail and online. It is also available through numerous compounding pharmacies in generic form. Generic Tadalafil, while the same medication may carry varying dosing strengths compared to name brand Cialis.

Daily Cialis will normally cost $3-5 per 5mg pill with 10mg Cialis running approximately $15-20 per pill. However, if purchased from a large chain U.S. pharmacy you may find the cost is around $30 per pill or more.

Buy Cialis Online
You can buy Cialis online from numerous online pharmacies that will honor a prescription. You can also buy Cialis online without a prescription from most research chemical labs. Research labs will often offer a variety of PED5 medications along with SERM’s, AI’s, various peptides and other medications that are not classified as controlled substances. These labs exist within a very gray area of the law – purchases are limited to the purpose of research only and are not intended for human use. Before you make a purchase from a research lab it is imperative that you understand the law in your country.

Cialis Reviews
Because of its long active life Cialis is perhaps the top PED5 medication on the market. One dose can keep a man ready for at least two days with some reports of men being able to produce strong erections for up to nearly four days from a single dose. This makes the ED drug far more appealing than its primary competition Viagra and Levitra; however, because we are all different some men will have a better response with Viagra or Levitra. If you have ED and need a PED5 the only way to know which one works best for you is to try all three at different times. You do not and should never take more than one at once and should not take a PED5 with any other type of ED medication as this can lead to serious health concerns.


The First Men
Jan 3, 2015
The Original Man and the First Gods
I was Mass Monster at 289 in January got on Test Sus and Tren Cycle currently down to 235

Started Test Cyp, NPP and Deca cycle this week I currently run 1/2 dosage slow but steady gainz
I have naturally low T so I'm on it for life. I was cruising at 50-75 mg a week which put my on the high end of normal. Now I'm back in the gym, I'm running 250 mg/wk. As soon as this vial finished, I'm running 450/wk. Test only.