Anybody else think zoro should of one shotted kaku straight cut his head off, I mean he was the 2nd man to cut kaido
Anybody else think zoro should of one shotted kaku straight cut his head off, I mean he was the 2nd man to cut kaido
Wait, is that Stussy clone fully grown? How long does that mean Vegapunk and the team have been able to clone people because depending on how long, there's a member of the navy that I've got questions about...
I compare this to when Luffy attacked Kaido for the first time in Wano. Luffy went all out while Kaido was goofing off. But once Kaido got serious, it only took one hit to put Luffy down.
It's the same for Kaku and Lucci. Luffy and Zoro would one hit KO them if they were serious from the jump.
Luffy and Zoro handled them easy enough even in their awakened form. My only complaint is Luffy used gear 5 to handle Lucci. Snakeman should have been enough.
Weevil a non factor getting bodied by the rookie admiral.