
getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
Great episode, and Josh Poe was a great guest and broke down the plan very well. Loved the fact that he mentions how this bill from Kamala is irresponsible, and how it’s a fairy tale plan.

I’ve mentioned credit before, and I’m glad Yvette brought it up, but as a group our credit is not good. This plan would be dead on arrival.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Another article caping for Kamala.

A Movement or a Troll?
Why claims that Kamala Harris “is not an American black” are suddenly everywhere.

JULY 09, 20192:39 PM

Slate’s Use of Your Data

“Kamala Harris is *not* an American Black. She is half Indian and half Jamaican,” read one of a dozen similar tweets questioning Harris’ identity sent in the moments after she, while confronting Joe Biden’s record of opposing desegregation, recalled being bused to school as a little girl. Another read, “KAMALA HARRIS IS NOT BLACK” and featured a photo of Harris with a “Kamala Dolezal” emblazoned across her face, referencing Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who claims to be “transracially” black. Yet another read, “Kamala Harris is implying she is descended from American Black Slaves. She’s not. She comes from Jamaican Slave Owners. That’s fine. She’s not an American Black. Period.” That last one, written by black right-wing provocateur Ali Alexander, was retweeted by none other than Donald Trump Jr., along with a question: “Is this true? Wow.”

By the end of the night, Trump Jr.’s tweet had been deleted. But it was too late: The message of a fringe movement had been elevated to his millions of followers and, at least briefly, gone mainstream. The moment was months, or even years, in the making

At first glance, the tweets questioning Harris’ black bona fides look apiece with the racist birther conspiracies levied against Barack Obama when he ran for president—the tweets are an effort to paint her as an imposter (and indeed, there’s evidence the “Kamala Dolezal” memes originated in the same toxic spheres as the birther movement). But a quick look at the bios and tweets of the people who have most vocally and consistently questioned Harris’ blackness, and her ability to speak to the experience of black Americans, most frequently feature not the #MAGA hashtag, but another one: #ADOS, or American descendants of slaves.

According to one theory, accounts that use #ADOS are a sinister collection of Russian bots and trolls sowing misinformation and apathy toward Democratic candidates in the runup to the 2020 election. Or they’re a façade for nativist white supremacists who are trying to drive a wedge between American black descendants of slaves and black immigrants. Or, maybe, they’re a real, vocal group of black critics silenced by moderate liberals who refuse to brook any criticism of candidates like Harris. Whatever the case, they’ve attracted powerful black opponents like rapper Talib Kweli, actress Yvette Nicole Brown, and MSNBC host Joy Ann Reid, who in a segment on her show had a guest suggest that the ADOS hashtag is a way to spot Russian trolls masquerading as black people.

The real story of #ADOS is, unsurprisingly, more complicated than any of these parties want to acknowledge. The ADOS hashtag was created by attorney Antonio Moore and political commentator Yvette Carnell. Neither of them is a bot, or a Russian. In interviews with the Intercept in the aftermath of the Democratic debate that brought the hashtag to the fore, Moore and Carnell both dismiss criticism like Reid’s as an effort to “undermine authentic Black advocacy in order to prop up the Democratic establishment.” They describe the goals of #ADOS as “agenda politics” rather than identity politics, calling on Democratic candidates to support a “New Deal for Black America,” a set of specific policies designed to address the institutional and systemic plunder that has defined America’s relationship with blackness since its founding. The ADOS policy page details the specific measures the group supports, including reparations for the descendants of people held in chattel slavery, government subsidies for health care and education, and affirmative action for slave descendants.

The ADOS movement, such as it is, is one of many forums in a larger conversation that questions black homogeneity in America. That conversation will only grow louder as the issue of reparations—and who deserves them—continues to gain momentum following a congressional hearing on the subject last month.

But a closer look suggests ADOS is hiding a blackness purity test in rhetoric about who deserves those reparations. As Michael Scherer and Amy B Wang put it in the Washington Post on Monday, “The underlying message is that black Americans from immigrant families, even places like Jamaica, with a history of slavery under Spanish and British rule, do not have the same claim to the identity or the struggle for civil rights.” And there’s troubling evidence that anti-immigrant bias is at the heart of that message.


On the ADOS policy page, the group stipulates that the census should introduce a new designation for “ADOS and another for Black immigrants. Black immigrants should be barred from accessing affirmative action and other set asides intended for ADOS, as should Asians, Latinos, white women, and other ‘minority’ groups.” According to the same Washington Post report, Carnell, the co-founder, was previously on the board of Progressives for Immigration Reform, which, despite its name, has deep ties to the anti-immigrant right. Moore, for his part, wrote a 2016 HuffPost op-ed arguing that Trump’s hard-line stance on immigration is warranted because undocumented immigrants are to blame for black unemployment. He also likes to suggest that critics of the movement like Reid aren’t qualified to comment on it because they are children of immigrants.

Moore, Carnell, and their followers also tend to reserve their harshest criticism for prominent liberals, attacking figures like Ta-Nehisi Coates for supporting a public study about what reparations would look like. (They argue it’s a “cop out” because it would seek to study reparations before dispersing them.) Accounts using the ADOS hashtag have suggested punishing Democrats for not endorsing a reparations program by not voting, or voting for Trump, in 2020 (though Moore and Carnell say they reject this). ADOS organizers claim they don’t press conservatives for support for reparations because the left has too long “expected us to be the mules of the Democratic Party.” Rhetoric like that has gained the attention—and support—of several right-wing activists, including Ann Coulter, who tweeted, “I like #ADOS,” and suggested a name change to DOAS, for Descendants of American Slaves.

Beyond ADOS’s more fundamental issues, experts have also raised the alarm at how easily it could be hijacked for other purposes. Malcolm Nance, a counterterrorism and intelligence consultant for the U.S. government, warned on Twitter that “For 5 months a small group of black cyber security experts have been watching a bunch of black Trumpers using #ADOS & warning it was the leading edge of a racist Russian cyber attack on @KamalaHarris. Many bots. Some trolls.” Indeed, there’s evidence purveyors of misinformation are more than happy to use #ADOS as a weapon in their meme arsenal. On a ***** /pol/ thread that asks for dirt on Harris, one user wrote, “Highlight the fact that most Americans blacks (#ADOS) hate her from posing as one of them, when in fact she’s a descendant of Caribbean slave owners and high-class street-shytters. She does not speak for African Americans.” Another wrote, “I have a bunch of Tw@tter accounts for the sole purpose of astroturfing reparations. It will splinter the Democrat Party. #ADOS #fukkYouPayMe.” Yet another said in January, “Make sure we let them know Kamala is Jamaican/Indian mix and she’s not an ADOS American descendant of slaves.”

ADOS’s relatively small size only makes it more difficult to separate real rank-and-file followers from trolls capitalizing on racial divisions to hurt Democrats. Twitter said it saw “no coordinated use of automation” during or after the debate, but that doesn’t rule out bad actors, and some of the accounts that questioned Harris’ blackness are now suspended. Still, many others are operated by real people, who, in the pursuit of reparative justice for slave descendants, are willing to gloss over or embrace anti-immigrant rhetoric. It’s hard to say if this grassroots movement is gaining real steam, but it’s clear that right-wing political players believe they have the most to gain from it

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Is there a website or article based on ADOS goals that rates the candidates and/or shows which of their policies: aligns with ADOS goals, are against ADOS goals, or are just irrelevant?


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
Is there a website or article based on ADOS goals that rates the candidates and/or shows which of their policies: aligns with ADOS goals, are against ADOS goals, or are just irrelevant?

Not in detail that I'm aware of. Marianne Williamson is the only one that has supported reparations outright while the other candidates are either against it or have presented some plan that may on paper disproportionately benefit ADOS. Of those candidates that have some good universal policies that target the "poor" Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are probably the best candidates with Elizabeth Warren's plans having more detail.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017

Damn. She 20 years too late. :mjcry:

In her song "American Oxygen," Rihanna sings, "On the other side of the ocean, you can be anything at all / in America, America."

Now the pop star and Barbados native is putting some of her money where her mouth is. On Monday she announced on Instagram the launch of a scholarship program to help citizens or natives of Brazil, Barbados, Cuba, Haiti, Grenada, Guyana and Jamaica attend college in the U.S.

According to the terms of the program, each selected first-year student will receive between $5,000 and $50,000, and the awards may be renewed until each grantee earns a bachelor's degree. What is unclear, however, is how much total money the foundation plans to disburse each year.

Though I wonder if she has the same program for those natives in their native country. :jbhmm: I would think those schools need the money more. And those students, poorer ones, would need the opportunity. :jbhmm:


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Could somebody pm me with the super-secret shyt that wasn't supposed to be said on the last page? I'm missing so much not being on twitter/ other sm.



Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
I've seen a few of this dude's videos. He seems like a typical Left-wing Anti-Trumper. But I came across this interesting video.

Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
How did we miss this?

June was officially National Caribbean-American Heritage Month in America by Congressional Decree!
June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month! | NRCS Caribbean Area

It's right on top of the Juneteenth Celebration for ADOS.

Oh more information from back in 2010?!

Caribbean-Americans Seek Their Own Ethnicity Box On Census Form

How can you engage these people with such bad faith arguments?

Hate, Hypocrisy, Insecurity, Envy, and any other motivation to attempt sabotage.

Don't waste your time on them.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Firstly, we're simply going to take the ados movement from Yvette and Tone. It's grown bigger than them and it's not like they actually invented black americans uniting and asking for payment. They simply came up with the moniker.

It's time to progress the movement before it plateau and stagnate too. For instance what's the next step? To formally organize it of course! To begin building it as a formal form of unification and government for black americans. Time to create the branches of our government and select or elect leaders.

We'll relegate Yvette to something like Head of the multimedia branch/division.

It's wonderful she's given the fight a fresh boost, but her stance on black immigrants is too harsh and distracting. We'll elect a more balanced group of people to actually lead the movement.

I have concern for the actual term ADOS. I myself always said BADOS as just plain ados leaves room for cacs to wiggle in! How many cacs would claim Irish or native american and expect reparations :sas1:. You must think 3 steps ahead!


May 20, 2012

Dear leader Yvette makes a coherrent and convincing argument AGAINST reparations. 8 minute mark.
