No they are not valid and honest questions. These are concerned trolling questions.
This isn't a party. This isn't a "membership" organization. It's a grassroots ethnic consciousness political movement with the goal of reparations. The fact that we got Black Americans thinking of themselves as descendants of slaves and embracing slavery and Americanness and demanding justice for slavery. When in 2008, we were talking about post-Blackness and we have transcended racism due to Obama is a win.
And we actually do have a conference that is sold out.
Inaugural ADOS Conference #AmericanDOS #ADOS
ADOS movement is similar to the Tea Party movement that ushered in Fascism into the USA.
ADOS movement isn't gonna be here to stay because it's not based on a political ideology or an economic philosophy. It's based on goal of reparations to save ADOS from destruction. The goal of the Tea Party Movement was to bring conservatism back into the USA and get rid of Obama.
The Tea Party succeeded and they aren't around anymore.
The Occupy WallStreet Movement was about highlighting wealth inequality. Now we got socialists running for president. The Occupy Wallstreet Movement ain't around anymore.
The fact that we got Black Americans understanding they come from slaves and not Africa and that they ancestors ain't some West African King but a slave that was kidnapped by another tribe and that's why they struggling - is a win. If I had a child right now, I would tell my kid he or she comes from slaves and I would tell him about all slave revolts. I wouldn't start with Mansa Musa or Egypt. That's a win.
The fact that own mother used to talk down about reparations and now since she is hearing about it on TV and is like, "You know, my son talked about reparations and now it's on TV and it seems like it's the right thing to do." That's a win.
My family situation is better due to the ADOS moement. My sister is getting a political education off it. So that when she is 28 and because she heard me talk about being ADOS and capitalism and etc - she ain't dumbfounded and blindsided.
Black folks weren't even talking about reparations or slavery or the affects of immigration or wealth inequality 8 years ago.
Americans weren't talking about wealth inequality or dangers of capitalism 8 years ago.
White Americans weren't openly calling themselves White nationalists 8 years ago.
These grassroots movements aren't about getting members or having parties because nothing about these movements create a reason for that - it's about consciousness raising so that people in power will act on the goals.
ADOS movement, Occupy Wallstreet and the Tea Party Movement won already.
8 years from now, everybody that is ADOS ain't gonna need an Yvette or Tone Talks, because we will each be an Yvette and Tone, telling our children and our families these things. Our politicians won't need us to tell them things. And reparations will always be on the table.