The Official 2021 MLB Random Thoughts Thread


I don't even know anymore...
Apr 30, 2012
So we started this game down 7-0 before we even hit. Fast forward a few innings, and it is now 14-7 in our favor in the 4th lmao.


All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston

The pair first met on Instagram and, after messaging back and forth, on April 21 the woman said she drove from San Diego to Los Angeles to meet Bauer. After conversing, they had sex which she described in the report as initially consensual, which involved Bauer asking the woman if she had ever been choked. She responded yes, “meaning that his putting his hands around my neck and applying light pressure.” She alleges Bauer then began putting his fingers down her throat in an aggressive manner to which she asked him to stop. “He stopped, but then without asking me or telling me in advance, he wrapped my hair around my neck and choked me,” the report states. “I lost consciousness.”

The woman says she did not know how long she was unconscious.

“I woke up face down on the bed, disoriented. I began realizing that he was having sex with me in my anus, which I never communicated that I wanted, nor did I consent,” the woman said in her official declaration attached to the requested order.

She said that when she used the bathroom after the encounter she was bleeding from her anus and barely able to walk, but said in her declaration “in my state at that time, I did not think Trevor was a threat to do anything against my will for the remainder of the night.” She said the following morning Bauer asked her, “You feeling a little sore this morning?” in a joking manner. She said she was taken aback that he was trying to make light of the situation and told him she didn’t enjoy when he commenced having anal sex with her. She said he seemed to understand and that she left an hour later.

The report says on the night of May 15, 2021, Bauer invited the woman to his house again and this time asked her to agree on a safe word. About five minutes into sex, she said that he began choking her again, at which point she lost consciousness and “was unable to speak or move my body.” She says when she regained consciousness, Bauer was punching her head: “This was the first punch I felt but it is very possible that Trevor had already been punching and scratching the right side of my face while I was unconscious. Trevor then punched me hard with a closed fist to the left side of my jaw, the left side of my head, and both cheekbones. I remember this vividly and it was extremely startling and painful. I was absolutely frozen and terrified. I could not speak or move. After punching me several times, he then flipped me back onto my stomach and began choking me with hair. I lost consciousness again.