The OFFICIAL 2020 College football RANDOM THOUGHTS thread


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
That boy is terrible. Worse than Stidham at this point.

He’s not terrible but just average to slightly , slightly above average . Trying to tell the home @Rigby. don't get your hopes up for this guy because he’s not gonna be a consistent big game winner.

on another note, the BIG12 should just forgo the season . And the Top Elite is as exclusive as it has ever been. It’s really just Bama and Clemsdumb... Maybe Georgia :usure:

Aside from that , nearly ANYBODY can get it.

Season still feels woefully mediocre and meh this year , and partially because the big names are glaringly absent this year .

We’ll see how Ohio looks soon enough .

On paper as things stand RIGHT NOW... the only true, regular season, Main Event games among real contenders to me are MIA/Clem, the world’s largest outdoor cocktail party, GA/Bama, ND/Clem and maybe a B1G game or two . If Ohio St wins out , they’re in. Might even be able to lose one and still get in .

Don’t see any main event games in the Pac12. That conference came back strictly for business purposes not for Chip aspirations . :hubie:


Devoted Joel Embiid hater
May 1, 2012
New Orleans
Man Bo Nix is Shea Patterson 2.0 :mjlol:

Or Burrow 2.0. You throw out 3 million excuses for Burrow for why he performed the way he did last year. “B..b..b..but he just got to campus and didn’t have chemistry with the team yet :mjcry:

You don’t see Burrow when you watch Bo you see Patterson a fraud cac QB who’s just started as a freshmen cuz of favoritism

Y’all keep letting the point fly over ur head. What he said was that Burrow was ass his freshman year but had some moments, then had a stellar sophomore year. All of that fits and could fit Bo

using those accolades you posted and looking at the schedule Bo played, he’s already did more after one year than Joe did
You don't want the stats, they're gonna completely dead your stance lol. But if you insist:
Joe Burrow College Stats | College Football at
Bo Nix College Stats | College Football at

Joe Burrow, with an extra two years of having been in college, with far better receiver talent, and a weaker schedule, had very comparable stats that just about mirrored Bo in several categories. Picks, passing TDs, completion %, rushing TDs, rushing YPC, amongst other categories. I rest my case

Damn y’all really were in here saying Bo was goin to take a leap like Burrow lol