I see people are still falling for these kids and their attention seeking antics.

So Bama is taking everybody with only 2 slots left.

Boutte is coming the same wknd as Jarrett. Bama will get one of them. And Ricks is most likely going to OSU, he basically decommitted from LSU last week with his comments.
Ricks didn't say nothing about decommitting. Everybody just keep shoving a mic in his face and taking every comment out of context. None of our wrs are decommitting. Dudes get 5 free trips and they are going to take them to the schools that lay out the biggest spread (most desperate not too fall of. The idea of life without Tua and those wrs got them shook. They already begging Pruitt to come back). We not worried aboutt Bama and their recruiting antics. We will have a chance to settle it on the field in November.