Damn I thought the players would be the last to be delusional. I know Braylon isn't.:scUMsad:
Whole damn institution delusional
What's keeping Michigan from a title? Tyrone Wheatley answers
“They’re close every year, every year they’re close,” Wheatley said beginning at the 32-minute mark of the podcast. “I think, right now, the biggest issue that they have, it’s not really so much an issue, I just think everybody always blames the coaching staff. I just think it’s young men coming together and truly understanding that they have to outplay the coaching. What I mean by that is, I’ve been in the huddle myself as a player and a call will come in or a play will happen, the coaches can’t always put you in the best situation possible. This is the reason why they recruited me to come to the University of Michigan. To make things happen. To play far beyond the play call.”
Wheatley is out of his mind. How is losing three games each year and going 1-3 in bowl games close to winning a title

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