lamp king Buddha or obi.I hope we can get Lamp
These boos
lamp king Buddha or obi.I hope we can get Lamp
These boos
Goodell is probably the most personable commish in sports which completely contradicts his persona. I remember at Radio City on Day 3 he was just chillin in the lobby while fans were walking in. I swear he talked to every person in there.Why is Jaws cutting a promo? Start the draft already
would be idiots if they dont grab Cook, his homies aint gon be chillin in cold ass Green Bay...If Packers don't take Mr Dalvin
Goodell is probably the most personable commish in sports which completely contradicts his persona. I remember at Radio City on Day 3 he was just chillin in the lobby while fans were walking in. I swear he talked to every person in there.
I like all those except Obi, I hope we get Sid Jones with one of those 3rd rounders if he falls that farlamp king Buddha or obi.