Tide Run This
I agree, but I still say if McGuire is FSU Qb you guys are going to lose 3 games probably, FSU has the play maker but you guys are going to need more than Cook getting the ball and I don't see McGuire production been that high. Clemson on the other hand I said it last year that they would be awful on defense and I was so wrong, I will say it again this year although not awful, I don't think they will be able to do what they did the past 2 years on that side on the ball, now offensively they will be much better than last season.
Dark horse in the ACC is Louisville. I'll rank my ACC top 5 right now.
1. Clemson
2. FSU
3. Louisville
4. UNC
5. V-Tech
Maguire ain't starting i'll put my account on the line that he will not start Week 1 vs Ole Miss unless Francois gets booted off the team or some injury occurs. Y'all know i'm down for ban bets I give you my word there is NO CHANCE IN HELL Sean Maguire starts Week 1.