Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Minnesota and MSST may have the the worst QBs in all of CFB
What makes it more dangerous? Are they more likely to tear a acl, sprain a ankle on the wet field? Is the wind gonna blow a tree on the field and knock someone on the head?
Ding dinghas inept playcalling
Are you serious with this response? @UserNameless you must live away from the coast of NC, its actually getting stronger in the triangle as the day goes on.
They should have waited until tomorrow. They choose ABC over the fans/kids.
Teams in the big 12 just go for the home run plays at a higher rate
You know it's down to a category 1 now, right?
Don't understand fundamental meteorological tenets, brethren.
I understand fully. Game is delayed right now, right? I assume its due to this Cat 1, and not something else, correct?
Seems to me your comprehension skill are on par with the Fantasia face you just used. Im sorry I tried to involve you in a common sense discussion. Carry on.