Nope. You tried to say that I was trolling and didnt watch, then I proceeded to list three consecutive gymnist. I also described each routine in detail. The Canadian girl was added as further confirmation that I was actually watching and not being bias towards black people or the US.
Then you come back with some lackluster/back pedaling response claiming that my post was filled wasnt filled with the content that was in the realm of the discussion. My post was pure fact and instead of replying with a valid arguement you tried to discredit my validity again.
Like I said "this is a battle you cant win"
Yes, you posted a couple things that happened. I assumed you were trying to make some point about these things, not simply posting things that occurred as proof you watched.
The entire point was that the Dominican girl acted much in the same way that McKayla did...after falling she rejected her coach, was disappointed, bratty, whatever you want to call it...I brought it up as evidence that the evil white cac media will not automatically jump all over a 16 year old black girl acting this way and exonerate a white girl doing the same, which was the original claim made by several posters in here, based on nothing.
Not sure why I have to explain this again but you posting a few things that happened during the event does nothing to make a counterargument, pose evidence to the contrary or refute anything I said.