Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
That fact that they had some people that are not career politicians is really smart. Not polished speakers but it is still heartfelt.
They just had people talking about the auto bailouts and how at Bain Romney fired a bunch of people and made money off of that.
So Republicans haven't introduced a bunch of legislation that would restrict abortions, contraceptives, haven't tried to redefine rape, proposed a budget that would cost 750M from a federal assistance program for pregnant women or tried to repeal equal pay acts?
She is losing the Senate race in Massaschusetts of all places.
What are you talking about? The Sandra Fluke debacle was the launch pad for other issues that were nearly non-existant on the legislative level. The "redefinition of rape", the EPA 2012 (junk legislation...that Dems knew would not get passed) were all forefront discussions once the dems declared that the GOP had ignited a "war on women" when Catholic University student insurance plans refused to cover her sex life. Prior to that, going back to Obama's inaugaration, these issues were pretty much non existant.
It sounds cliche, but I miss the 90's![]()