She is too hefty/bottom heavy to be doing suicide dives, as evidenced by the 800 times she has failed to clear the ropes and faceplanted while attempting it. Quoting myself from the first Mae Young Classic thread all the way back in 2017:
It's been a matter of time before she hurt herself or someone else.
Her being not good in-ring is simply my opinion, which is nothing new, I've stated it here before she ever showed up in WWE and long before she (maybe) injured Io. To me she's Becky-tier only better looking and with a fat ass![]()
that wasn't a botched suicide dive. I understand Lo is your personal favorite so you're looking to cast the blame at someone, but come on

I can agree that the suicide dive is a played out move that needs to all but go away, but what are your credentials to determine who should and who shouldn't be doing suicide dives? do you have experience in the ring and if so how much? have you trained and or trained other performers who have been on television? you said it's only your opinion and that's fine, but that logic is flawed by the following.
you say that Toni is too "hefty/bottom heavy" to be doing suicide dives yet why is it that smaller "non-hefty" workers (like Brie Bella and Sasha Banks for example) have done the same suicide dive and this has happened?

mistakes happen. that doesn't make any of the above "trash". the reality is that fans don't have a clue what they're talking about. it's all personal opinions with no real experience whatsoever (and again that's fine), but the word "trash" gets thrown around way too much around here. no one at the WWE level is "trash". it's a fake fight and TV show and they're all trained at the highest level to do their best.
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