This …… pac was saving face massively how he handled qaud and the after math ….I think it’s a classic case of someone putting info out that is false or lies or rumours then when they realise they are wrong it’s gone to far to take back what they said … because if pac took back what he said about biggie and puffy n them knowing about the robbery he would have everyone questioning his credibility from then on and what’s truth and lies about what he says … so he just rolled with it …. It was wrong and I don’t think pac actually wanted it to go as far as it did .. but it did and he had to roll with it and add in him signing to deathrow most likely having suge in his ear and suge and puffys issues …..All the rappers in NYC knew hanging with those dudes wasn't going to end good and they all warned him. He didn't listen and decided to slander Jack. Outside of Henchmen and probably Lil Shawn nobody knew what was going to happen that night. People say the studio like Quad is just one big studio. There's multiple studios there. Bad boy and Lil Shawn sessions were in different rooms so when they make it seem like everyone was in one room plotting on pac that's not true. Nobody put cease on the balcony. The way the quad lobby is set up makes it perfect to ambush anyone. If all the rappers were in on it and they wanted to embarrass him they would've let him go upstairs into the session with Jimmy Henchmen. Tupac did all that extra shyt to sell records and cover up that he had ZERO street smarts.