
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Does it seem like a lot of other people that you surround yourself with, a lot of other people in your generation feel that way?
I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I feel like a lot of people, at least that I’ve been around, don’t want to set out and make something. They’re more confined in the sort of mind frame that where you work for someone and you climb up. There’s no problem with that, but I’ve always had a thing in me that—as bad as this may sound—never wanted to be the one trying to push someone else’s goals when I could be pushing my own. I never wanted to work for someone because that person is the person that I wanted to be, the person who’s hiring, who’s trying to make their aspirations come true. That’s a mindset that leads to creation.

No one else is going to be as passionate about your dreams as you are. No one is going to care as much, so it definitely is a lonely thing, I bet, for anyone, not just me. It’s the type of loneliness that allows you to think and bring these things that you imagine to life.

This might be a difficult question so you can refuse to answer: Do you feel lonely in regards to your perspective and how you relate to other people?
I know that there are people who set out to do their own thing and there are people out there who may think similarly, but at the same time, I feel like this process is so individualistic that it is lonely. No one else is going to be as passionate about your dreams as you are. No one is going to care as much, so it definitely is a lonely thing, I bet, for anyone, not just me.

It’s the type of loneliness that allows you to think and bring these things that you imagine to life. It’s like the song I put out, “Save My Soul”: “I walk a lonely road/I walk it all alone.” That song is shedding light on the fact that the journey to your own dreams and your own success is a lonely one because no one else is going to care as much as you care.

In 10 years, what are we saying about Daye Jack?
In 10 years, they’re saying that he’s released amazing bodies of music. Things that you can relate to, things that you can dig into. You’re saying that you enjoy his live show and it’s an experience that you go out and you take people with and it’s just an event in itself. You’ll say, hopefully, that he’s one of your favorite artists.

Or you might hate him a little bit.

I think a big thing that you’ll say is that he kept his artistic integrity, he made great music, and he did things that you could relate to, your friends could relate to, things that you could enjoy sonically and lyrically, messages that you could take. He allowed you to have a good time listening to music and didn’t force anything on you, but he also made sure that you knew his viewpoints and just made sure that you were comfortable going on the journey that he’s led you on the last 10 years.

So how many years is it going be before you throw a bottle at another rapper in a club?
I’m trying to bring that down to two years if possible. Because if I could throw a bottle in a couple months, I would. I feel like that’s the true sign that you’re doing it right.​


May 2, 2014

:heh: pretty much explains how he feels about it
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