Apex Predator
That's the one thing I miss about my iphone. Naked without the case was .
To protect it if you work in a non-office or rugged environment? My friend is a fireman, rocks the otterbox at work but uses a much slimmer case when he's off duty. Lot of people don't work in environments that would be considered phone friendly.Why even bother getting a phone that you find nicely desinged if you are going to put one of those fukking otterboxes on them?
To protect it if you work in a non-office or rugged environment? My friend is a fireman, rocks the otterbox at work but uses a much slimmer case when he's off duty. Lot of people don't work in environments that would be considered phone friendly.
But yeah, I feel you on people that DON'T work in such environments with cases like that. That's gonna be the next "big thing".... phones you can truly rock naked and drop w/o worrying. Sony already got the waterproof joints, now it's time for someone to add unbreakable/unscratchable (or nearly unbreakable/unscratchable) screens in a normal/slim profile and they'll shut the game down.
I doubt companies are gonna make unbreakable/unscratchable phones that hardware has BEEN out (a friend of mine had one) but they probably make alot of their money from ppl breaking their phones 3 or 4 times and purchasing new ones.
“In today’s multi screen world, the opportunities are endless… battery life is a huge issue… when you drop your phone it shouldn’t go splat,” he said, according to Quartz. ”There’s a real potential to invent new and better experiences.”
The executive added that simple tasks such as recharging a phone’s battery can even be a pain for some people. It is believed that Page was hinting at the possible “X Phone,” and that it could include extra long battery life, wireless charging capabilities and an unbreakable case."
Just got one of these today
The lady at the mall made me do it. She called me over and I knew she was trying to sale me something, but she was cute so I said fukk it.
She asked me what phone I had and I whipped it out on her. She's like you wanna walk around with your brand new iPhone naked like that. I explained to her why I didn't want a case and she whipped this bad boy out. Ima try it out for a minute, but I think made me waste $25
depending on how she looked I would've replied
"ain't nothing wrong with naked every now and then"