I just watched this yesterday, I was surprised how good it was
Margin Call Trailer HD - YouTube
after watching it though it solidifies my position of@ l'aissez faire capitalism...maybe capitalism in general
Keep getting YouTube recommendations to rewatch bits and pieces. This movie is amazing. GOAT performances all around. The comments section has some great breakdowns of the nuances of the characters, how the CEO feigns friendliness, how there is an undercurrent behind Demi Moore's character being told about the problem with CDOs in the past and chickens are coming home to roost, etc.
Keep getting YouTube recommendations to rewatch bits and pieces. This movie is amazing. GOAT performances all around. The comments section has some great breakdowns of the nuances of the characters, how the CEO feigns friendliness, how there is an undercurrent behind Demi Moore's character being told about the problem with CDOs in the past and chickens are coming home to roost, etc.
Outstanding film. This and the big short were two shockingly accurate tales of the same crisis. Watching them back to back is awesome. The "it's all made up" speech by Irons was amazing.
Kevin Spacey probably had the worst performance of the entire movie with says a lot about both the great performances by everyone else, down to the analysts, as it does about spacey who was a bit of a caricature in comparison.
9/10 easily
Just watched it today.
All star cast and great depiction of how things potentially went down during the last recession. Definitely makes me want to dig deeper into things
Didn't even realize that Penn Badgley was getting looks before 'You' dropped on Netflix.
Yeah.The dudes in the big short was scumbags thomuthafukkas cashed t0 M's while the system tanked
Keep getting YouTube recommendations to rewatch bits and pieces. This movie is amazing. GOAT performances all around. The comments section has some great breakdowns of the nuances of the characters, how the CEO feigns friendliness, how there is an undercurrent behind Demi Moore's character being told about the problem with CDOs in the past and chickens are coming home to roost, etc.