"The most promising Launch Exclusive"


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Can't wait to see but being played. Is it really 60fps?
That's what the noise is at the moment.

Guerrilla's devs have tweeted that they are targeting 60FPS for the multiplayer. There's also an article floating around thats in German or Dutch saying how the game was running at 60FPS at Gamescom but it's not stable yet. All in all, this is big news.

On top of the 60FPS coming out, the game also is releasing with 10 multiplayer maps and all the additional DLC for the multiplayer will be free of charge. From the videos/impressions I've seen, it looks like they're going for a Halo'ish type of community with the game as well. The custom matches will be a big plus and it'll be used by GG to incorporate the more popular game presets to the official matches.

This is clearly going to be the best launch exclusive. The multiplayer news confirmed this for me.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
That's what the noise is at the moment.

Guerrilla's devs have tweeted that they are targeting 60FPS for the multiplayer. There's also an article floating around thats in German or Dutch saying how the game was running at 60FPS at Gamescom but it's not stable yet. All in all, this is big news.

On top of the 60FPS coming out, the game also is releasing with 10 multiplayer maps and all the additional DLC for the multiplayer will be free of charge. From the videos/impressions I've seen, it looks like they're going for a Halo'ish type of community with the game as well. The custom matches will be a big plus and it'll be used by GG to incorporate the more popular game presets to the official matches.

This is clearly going to be the best launch exclusive. The multiplayer news confirmed this for me.
You don't really want your TOP title as a launch title tho. That's reserved for racers and secondary titles
At least they admitting to what Killzone really is in the scheme of thangs :bryan:

Now when Halo 5 drops. It'll make Killzone look like it lived up to its name. Don't ask me how :win:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
You don't really want your TOP title as a launch title tho. That's reserved for racers and secondary titles
At least they admitting to what Killzone really is in the scheme of thangs :bryan:

Now when Halo 5 drops. It'll make Killzone look like it lived up to its name. Don't ask me how :win:
I think Sony/Guerrilla Games realizes that they are getting a fresh start here with Killzone.

A lot of people who didn't have a PS3 will see this as a completely new game. They already have the visuals to draw people in, the gameplay in that trailer looked dope and all that they're doing with this multiplayer is looking like they have a winner here.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I think Sony/Guerrilla Games realizes that they are getting a fresh start here with Killzone.

A lot of people who didn't have a PS3 will see this as a completely new game. They already have the visuals to draw people in, the gameplay in that trailer looked dope and all that they're doing with this multiplayer is looking like they have a winner here.
Oh, so you think PS4 is out the gate gonna steal XB members who haven't tried Killzone :wtf:
And the game looks BORING, why do you say otherwise? I seen the level, they was in a small ass circle, some trees was around. Halo shield that didn't stop you from shooting thru it :dwillhuh:
Nothing looked exciting. Your giving the fact that its next gen too much credit, games are supposed to look better
But there was NOTHING exciting looking about killzone ps4. KZ3 looked exciting. KZ2 looked incredible graphics wise
They can't lean on that anymore. And every show its been shown at, its an after thought. So right now only fanboys are checking for it, and thats because its console exclusive. No other reason. IF it was multiplat? I wouldnt buy, scouts honor :salute:
You mean like the original Halo?
Halo was in development for a long time, then came out on a system that was VASTLY superior to its competition and a year later. Not sure your age, so let me skool you to save the bandwidth. PS3 supposedly had an advantage over 360 which was a lie, but on paper it looked good. The reality was xbox games looked and played better.
The gap between Xbox and PS2 is comparable to PC and Xbox360/ps3
If you ever seen Max Payne on PS2 vs the Xbox version? You'd see what I'm talking about. Night and day bruh
So Halo dropping didn't matter because at that time XBOX WAS TRYING TO ESTABLISH ITSELF AS A CONSOLE PERIOD so they had to have big guns to compete.

Totally different than whats going on here, but fanboys love to play dumb. Or are you playing :ohhh:


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Oh, so you think PS4 is out the gate gonna steal XB members who haven't tried Killzone :wtf:
And the game looks BORING, why do you say otherwise? I seen the level, they was in a small ass circle, some trees was around. Halo shield that didn't stop you from shooting thru it :dwillhuh:
Nothing looked exciting. Your giving the fact that its next gen too much credit, games are supposed to look better
But there was NOTHING exciting looking about killzone ps4. KZ3 looked exciting. KZ2 looked incredible graphics wise
They can't lean on that anymore. And every show its been shown at, its an after thought. So right now only fanboys are checking for it, and thats because its console exclusive. No other reason. IF it was multiplat? I wouldnt buy, scouts

You always take some shyt and go off to the extreme of extremes with the shyt man. Chill.

Where do I say it's gonna steal XB members? Let me phrase it this way. Do you think that every person that only owned the 360 this gen will only upgrade to the Xbox One? Or is it possible, that some Xbox 360 "only" owners will buy a PS4 this gen... after you answer that question for yourself, then you'll see what my point is.

Please don't respond with some dumb ass wall of text, because I'm not going to read it.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
^^^ Then get the fukk off a message board which requires you to READ ^^^ :snoop:

You always take some shyt and go off to the extreme of extremes with the shyt man. Chill.

Where do I say it's gonna steal XB members? Let me phrase it this way. Do you think that every person that only owned the 360 this gen will only upgrade to the Xbox One? Or is it possible, that some Xbox 360 "only" owners will buy a PS4 this gen... after you answer that question for yourself, then you'll see what my point is.

Please don't respond with some dumb ass wall of text, because I'm not going to read it.
So I'm taking shyt to an extreme? Lets see what you said...
A lot of people who didn't have a PS3 will see this as a completely new game. They already have the visuals to draw people in
Now your comment about "is it possible for xbox owners to get a PS4"
What type of statement is that? Sure 12 dumbasses could do that. But why would a significant amount of Xbox Only gamers go to PS4 this gen? On xbox, we enjoy XBL and all it delivers. PSN has only taken steps BACKWARDS, not forward. Why would anyone then be like "I heard PSN was some shyt, but now they charging for it so I'll get that :ahh:"

You forgetting that we not some clueless gamers. We have the internet, we all watch the shows/etc.
KZ gets no mention. Its not drawing people in. Killzone 2 and 3 looked :gladbron: and how many ppl did those games DRAW IN? So now this version with no hype is supposed to do that? REally? Your welcome to your opinion, but I just pointed out 30 holes with your LOGIC. Something you cannot do vice versa :win:
Last edited:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
And since I'm Mr.Extreme, let me now poke 30 holes in the rest of his comment which was...

the gameplay in that trailer looked dope and all that they're doing with this multiplayer is looking like they have a winner here.

Lets take a look at this "winner" that won NO AWARDS at any of the shows....

Play by your own rules!!! :blessed:

Isn't that just what every FPS game does, its called a custom match :laff:
And usually I hate it when I enter a match and its just some dumbshyt like pistols only or something?
Its cool sometimes when you with a group like say from THE COLI and we plan that out before hand
Otherwise its more of an annoyance. And that seems to be the standard in KZ:SF :scusthov:

Literally NOTHING in that video looked exciting. You really couldn't gauge, but what I do know is the previous KZs were lackluster. Even you didn't fukk with KZ3, how is this any different?
Whats changed besides the number on the system? I'm really looking for THE REASON but all I'm seeing is fanboy opinions. The levels didn't look exciting. A tree? A corridor? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong videos
Please post an HD video of this awesome multiplayer so I can be like :leon:

I'm not asking for much. Rekka, You, Fatboi/lardass... you guys keep talking about this but none of you play or even liked KZ3. But I'm the guy who takes things to the extreme right? No, you guys are fanboys getting exposed for being that. Now :umad:


May 5, 2012
You always take some shyt and go off to the extreme of extremes with the shyt man. Chill.

Where do I say it's gonna steal XB members? Let me phrase it this way. Do you think that every person that only owned the 360 this gen will only upgrade to the Xbox One? Or is it possible, that some Xbox 360 "only" owners will buy a PS4 this gen... after you answer that question for yourself, then you'll see what my point is.

Please don't respond with some dumb ass wall of text, because I'm not going to read it.

Pretty much what i'm doing. :manny:

I got burned out on Halo after the third one, so i'll probably check this out after a couple of reviews and a significant price drop. It dropping so close to BF4 and COD Ghosts isn't doing it any favors either.