shyt I wish I sold Meth

, instead of graduating from an HBCU my FBA ancestors built
This right here is doing harm to Black people, here is a Nigerian who said Jordan Neely and George Floyd was justified:
You in defense?
So Blk Immigrants are/have disrespected your people and you doing the same?
What of the millions of blk immigrants or those who seek to who have NO ISSUE with "your people"
Are you aware that you might turn those people into adversaries?
That was my point regarding the drugs
Every piece of crack and meth sold DESTROYS A PERSON/FAMILY
Selling a thousand pieces of crack/meth can RUIN WHOLE COMMUNITIES
I really have no issue with you brother, cause you not an evil person
Evil people want war, destruction, gencide, hate, and anything that encourages the destruction of mankind
All I am saying to you, be conscious that maybe you are making situations worse
Turning thousands of blk immigrants who read yours and Tariq posts into adversaries
If that is ok with you, fine.
And yes I acknowledge that there are many blk immigrants who are bad people