The Most Evil Women in History!!!


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
rule of thumb: whenever i start hearing buzzwords like rape culture, patriarchy, slut-shaming, male privilage, etc, i just abort the convo and try to avoid the person in the future. i wouldn't even want to fukk to be honest.
I know I should of walked away, but on the upside I got a A on the paper.


May 5, 2012

Carol Bryant

After the other boy made his purchase, Emmett was left alone in the store for a minute or so with Carolyn Bryant, the white woman working the store's cash register..


In high demand
May 2, 2012

Karla Leanne Homolka, also known as Karla Leanne Teale and Leanne Bordelais (born 4 May 1970 in Port Credit,Ontario, Canada), is a convicted Canadian accomplice who helped her husband rape and murder at least three women. She attracted worldwide media attention when she was convicted of manslaughter following a plea bargain in the 1991 and 1992 rape-murders of two Ontario teenage girls, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French, as well as the rape and death of her sister Tammy.[2]

She's free too :snoop:


strawberry bubblegum
Jul 20, 2012

Mabel Hallam

Mabel Hallam, the wife of a streetcar conductor, reported on Aug. 13, 1908, that she had been sexually assaulted in her home on North Fifth Street. She went on to identify a black man, hod carrier George Richardson, as her assailant.

Prompted partly by racially inflammatory newspaper headlines, a white mob began attacking blacks on the street the next afternoon. The violence built, culminating in the Springfield race riot of Aug. 14-15.

On Sept. 1, Hallam recanted her identification of Richardson, and it later developed that she had not been assaulted at all, but had been entertaining a white lover. She was never punished for the false report, although the Hallam family moved out of Springfield a few months later.
Is this a real picture of her? What cemetary did this racist bytch rise from?


Carol Bryant

After the other boy made his purchase, Emmett was left alone in the store for a minute or so with Carolyn Bryant, the white woman working the store's cash register..
Everyone should watch this documentary. Her and her husband were so heartless.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Griselda Blanco (February 15, 1943 – September 3, 2012), known as La Madrina, the Black Widow, the Cocaine Godmother and the Queen of Narco-Trafficking, was a drug lord of the Medellín Cartel and a pioneer in the Miami-based cocaine drug trade and underworld during the 1970s and early 1980s. She was a main member of the Medellín Cartel and the mentor of Pablo Escobar.[2]

Her distribution network, which spanned the United States, brought in US$80 million per month.[1] Her violent business style brought government scrutiny to South Florida, leading to the demise of her organization and the free-wheeling, high profile Miami drug scene of those times. She was suspected of masterminding over two hundred murders.

In 1984, Blanco's willingness to use violence against her Miami competitors, or anyone who displeased her, led her rivals to make repeated attempts to kill her. She moved to California to escape the assassination attempts. On 20 February 1985, she was arrested by DEA agents in her home. Held without bail, Blanco was sentenced to more than a decade in jail.[7] She continued to run her cocaine business while in jail. By pressuring one of her lieutenants, the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office obtained sufficient evidence to indict her for three murders. However, the case collapsed, largely due to technicalities, and Blanco was released from prison and deported to Colombia in 2004.[1] Before her death in 2012, she was last seen in Bogota Airport in May 2007.[4][8]
Blanco had four sons, three of whom were killed in Colombia after being deported following prison sentences in the U.S. Blanco bore her youngest son, Michael Corleone Blanco by her lover Darío Sepúlveda, who left her in 1983, returning to Colombia, kidnapping Michael when he and Griselda disagreed over who would take custody. Blanco paid to have Sepulveda assassinated in Colombia, and her son returned to her in Miami.[4][9] According to the Miami New Times, "Michael's father and older siblings were all killed before he reached adulthood. His mom was in prison for most of his childhood and teenage years, and he was raised by his maternal grandmother and legal guardians."[9]


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558) was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. Her executions of Protestants caused her opponents to give her the sobriquet "Bloody Mary".
She was the only child of Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon who survived to adulthood. Her younger half-brother, Edward VI, succeeded Henry in 1547. When Edward became mortally ill in 1553, he attempted to remove Mary from the line of succession because of religious differences. On his death their first cousin once removed, Lady Jane Grey, was initially proclaimed queen. Mary assembled a force in East Anglia and successfully deposed Jane, who was ultimately beheaded. In 1554, Mary married Philip of Spain, becoming queen consort of Habsburg Spain on his accession in 1556.
As the fourth crowned monarch of the Tudor dynasty, Mary is remembered for her restoration of Roman Catholicism after the short-lived Protestant reign of her half-brother. During her five-year reign, she had over 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake in the Marian persecutions. Her re-establishment of Roman Catholicism was reversed after her death in 1558 by her younger half-sister and successor, Elizabeth I.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Irma Grese

Irma Ida Ilse Grese (born 7 October 1923, Wrechen, Free State of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany – died 13 December 1945, Hamelin, Germany) was employed at the Nazi concentration camps of Ravensbrück and Auschwitz, and was a warden of the women’s section of Bergen-Belsen. She was convicted for crimes against humanity at the Belsen Trial and sentenced to death. She loved torture via different painful methods and wore heavy boots as a habit. She also carried a pistol for the facilitation of her various purposes. Executed at 22 years, 67 days of age, Grese was the youngest woman to die judicially under English law in the 20th century, on 13 December 1945, Hamelin, Germany. She was nicknamed “the Beast of Belsen”, “The Beautiful Beast”, and “Die Hyäne von Auschwitz”

Myra Hindley

Born in the year 1942, Myra Hindley was an English serial killer. In partnership with Ian Brady, she committed the rapes and murders of five small children. Together these two monsters were responsible for the kidnapping, sexual abuse, torture and murder of three children under the age of twelve and two teenagers, aged 16 and 17. Hindley’s 17-year-old brother-in-law tipped her off to the police. Hindley plead not guilty to all of the murders. She was found guilty of three murders and was jailed for life. She was never released, and died in prison in 2002.

Isabella of Castile

Born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974.

Queen Mary I of England

Mary I, born on 18 February 1516 and died on 17 November 1558. She was Queen of England and Ireland from July 1553 until her death. Her brutal persecution of Protestants caused her opponents to give her the sobriquet “Bloody Mary”. She was the only surviving child born of the ill-fated marriage of Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon. Mary is chiefly remembered for temporarily and violently returning England to Catholicism. Many prominent Protestants were executed for their beliefs leading to the moniker “Bloody Mary”. Fearing the gallows a further 800 Protestants left the country, unable to return until her death.

Belle Gunness

Standing six feet tall and weighing over 91 kg, a physically strong woman, Belle Gunness was one of America’s most degenerate and productive female serial killers. She was an imposing and powerful woman of Norwegian descent. It is likely that she killed both her husbands and all of her children at different times, but it is certain that she murdered most of her suitors, boyfriends, and her two daughters, Myrtle and Lucy. The motive was greed-pure and simple; life insurance policies and assets stolen or swindled from her suitors became her source of income. Most reports put her death toll at more than twenty victims over several decades, with some claiming in excess of one hundred. Inconsistencies during her post mortem examination; the corpse was reported to be two inches shorter than Belle’s six feet, paved the way for Belle Gunnes to enter American criminal folklore, a female Bluebeard.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad

Countess Elizabeth Bathory is considered the most infamous serial killer in Hungarian/Slovak history. Rumors had circulated for years about missing peasant girls; offered well paid work at the castle, they were never seen again. One of these rumors reached the ears of King Mathias II, who sent a party of men to the massive Castle Csejthe. The men found one girl dead and one dying. Another was found wounded and others locked up. Described atrocities, collected from testimony of witnesses, include; severe beatings over extended periods of time, the use of needles, burning or mutilation of hands, sometimes also of faces and genitalia, biting the flesh off the faces, arms and other bodily parts, and the starving of victims. The victim total is thought to number in the hundreds occurring over a twenty-five year period. Due to her social status she was never brought to trial but remained under house arrest in a single room until her death. The idea that the Countess bathed in the blood of her victims is folklore, and one of the few things she did not do. You can read more about Elizabeth Bathory on Mythverse our sister site for debunking misonceptions.