The Most Evil Women in History!!!


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
So I got into a argument with this man hating feminist who was in my psychology class' last semester, she told me that all men are inherently evil and not be trusted. According to her, all men are nothing but rapist, pedophiles, murders and everything else that's bad. So I'd ask her what about all the female rapist, pedophiles, and murders? her reply was, "The reason why some women become pedophiles, or murders. is because they were treated badly men when they were younger." This is true in some case's, but not all. So after are convention, I decided to write a research on paper some of the most evil women in history. So I present to you, The Most Evil Women In History!!!

When women decide to kill, it usually comes in the form of spontaneous act of passion; turning the table on an abusive spouse, or finally tiring of a cheating partner. There are, of course, exceptions to that rule, the most notable being Moors murderer, Myra Hindley, and the sexually depraved Karla Homolka. But even those two didn’t work alone, carrying out their crimes with their male counterparts, Ian Brady and Paul Bernardo. The rarest kind of female killer is the one that has no apparent motive, and chooses to take the life of her husband or children, even when they appear to be living perfectly normal lives. Susan Smith, the woman who murdered her two sons by letting her car roll into a lake with them trapped inside, was a heinous individual, but she has nothing on Andrea Yates, the Texas native who drowned all 5 of her kids in the bathtub.

Andrea Yates seemed, on the outside at least, a well-adjusted individual whose life seemed positive and bright. The youngest of 5 children, she applied herself at school, graduating as valedictorian, swim team captain and a member of the national Honor Society. She went on to university, earning a nursing degree, before becoming a registered nurse at the University of Texas cancer center. In 1989 she met Russell Yates at her apartment complex, and 4 years later, the couple married, telling all their friends that they were going to “have as many babies as nature allowed.” Given her career as a caregiver, motherhood seemed like an ideal fit for Andrea.

True to their word, the couple started a family right away, splitting their time between their home state of Texas, and Florida where Russell accepted a job. They finally settled back in Houston after the birth of their third child, and around that time purchased a motor home from a person who was later to play a big role in the events that unfolded. After the birth of the couple’s 4th child, Andrea became depressed, and seemed to take solace in the words and company of Michael Peter Woroniecki, an extremist preacher, and also the man who had sold that motor home to the Yate’s.

Her condition continued to worsen, and in June of 99, Andrea attempted suicide by overdosing on pills. The attempt meant a stint in hospital, but shortly after release she was back again after holding a knife to her own neck and begging Russell to let her die. Andrea received psychiatric help and was prescribed Haldol, an anti-psychotic, and released under the advice that she have no more children, as doing so could result in future psychotic depression. The Haldol seemed to work, and for a while life went back to normal, but by the end of July, there were 2 more suicide attempts and a full nervous breakdown.

This time around, Andrea was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis, but again seemed to recover well, and a few short weeks after being released from hospital, was pregnant with her fifth child. After the birth of Mary, life seemed to be moving along nicely in the Yates household, but that all changed after the death of Andrea’s father in March 2001. Back off her medications, Andrea took to self-mutilation, frantic bible readings and catatonia. It was during one of these catatonic states that Andrea filled the tub, leading her husband and others that she had planned on killing herself; the truth was, she had planned on murdering the children, a job she actually finished a couple of months later, drowning all 5 children, Noah, John, Paul, Luke, and Mary in the tub.

Andrea willingly confessed to the murders, and a jury of her peers took little time in finding her guilty, sentencing her to life in prison. During the trial, a number of stories surfaced that surprised many who knew Andrea, including the possibility that she was bulimic in her teenage years, and may have considered suicide when she was just 17.This, as well as her documented issues during her marriage, cast doubts on her sanity, and during appeal her conviction was overturned, due in large part to some rather shady testimony given by a psychiatrist during the original trial. A second trial was ordered and Andrea was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and granted bail on the condition that she be placed in a psychiatric facility.

Blame for the tragic murder of 5 children has been thrown all around with the shrapnel hitting Andrea, her husband Russell, modern medication, and religious fervor, but the fact is that the warning signs were there for a long time, yet the tragedy was still allowed to occur. Perhaps then, the blame lies at the feet of all concerned, all that is except the children, innocent until the end.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT

Dorothea Puente
An elderly woman running a boarding house for the unfortunate hardly fits the profile of a conniving murderer. And yet this small-time Sacramento socialite had her system down to a science. She trapped and killed at least 25 troubled or sick older men, forged their Social Security checks to buy clothes, makeup and even some plastic surgery. Neighbors wondered why her house smelled fouler than rotting citrus. What they didn’t know was that she had been convicted for drugging and stealing people from bars in her younger days, or that she ran a brothel in the late 1950s, and did jail time before settling in Sacramento. In 1988 the police arrived with shovels at her house. Sentenced to life without parole, in 1998 she became pen-pals with artist Shane Bugbee and recipes and art work she sent him eventually were published alongside interviews in a book.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT

Rosemary West
Rosemary and Fred West set up an illicit love shack they called home at 25 Cromwell Street in Gloucester, England. They lured children and young women to their “House Of Horrors,” tortured and raped them for days, then killed and dismembered their bodies before burying them beneath the house. They also massacred their own daughters, Heather and Charmaine. Both Rosemary and Fred came from abusive families that contributed to the depravity of their sexual tastes. Rosemary was a prostitute and a sadist, and although 10 girls were accounted for, it’s possibly that up to 20 lost children died at the couple’s hands.

How does the saying go? “A couple that rapes together burns in hell together”? They were arrested in 1994 for crimes they committed mainly between 1973 and 1979. Though Fred committed suicide while awaiting trial, Rosemary became the second woman in British history to serve a life sentence. But prison doesn’t sound so bad. She’s the champion of the Monopoly ring, gets free TV and enjoys daily shopping from catalogues.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT

Beverly Allitt
The “Angel Of Death” was a British pediatric nurse who used the hospital nursery as a den for her diabolical desires. She injected potassium chloride, lignocaine or insulin into child patients to induce cardiac arrest. Over a two month period in 1991 she attacked 13 children in her ward, from newborns to 11-year olds, killing four of them. Allegedly, she suffered from Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, which caused her to hurt children in order to save them or be by their side as they die. As a girl, Allitt enjoyed dressing up as an injured person and later on she would injure herself, seeking constant attention from doctors and eventually taking up a job in the field. Allit was awarded 13 life sentences at Rampton Maximum Security Hospital, which houses the criminally insane. In prison, she took to stabbing herself with paper clips and pouring boiling water on her hands.


Katherine Mary Knight
This Australian learned to slice and dice by boning out carcasses at the Aberdeen abattoir for a living. She loved her job, and slept with her favorite razor sharp boning knives above her bed. Spurned by a husband, who left her for his mistress, Knight went psycho, assaulting women that rubbed her the wrong way, threatening children with knives. She even left her baby on the train tracks. She was in and out of psychiatric hospitals before eventually being released to her mother’s care, but always the jealous type, she continued beating her lovers. In 2000, Knight used her knife skills to expertly skin the last man in her life, John Price. After stabbing him 37 times, she removed all his skin in one piece except for two tiny bits that remained clinging to his flesh. This pelt she hung in the kitchen. She cooked up a soup using his head then served it to his kids for dinner. They found his buttocks, minus a few slices, tossed in the backyard. Knight became Australia’s first woman sentenced to life imprisonment.


Tracey Wigginton’s thirst for blood became insatiable. For some time she fed on pig and cow blood from the butcher and, romantically enough, drank from her lover Lisa Ptaschinski’s carefully slit wrists. So one evening, the soon-to-be infamous “Lesbian Vampire Killer,” her lover, along with two female friends, Kim Jervis and Tracey Waugh, embarked on a night cruise looking for a fresh meal. They lured drunken Edward Baldock, age 47, into their car as he left a bar on Oct. 20, 1989. They stopped at a nearby park along the Brisbane River, where Wigginton stabbed him so many times in the chest and back that his head almost fell off. Her friends watched Wigginton drink from the spurting fountain that was his body. Police found her cash card in his shoe the next day and Wigginton received life imprisonment. But she has since returned to a solid food diet and made bail!


Gertrude Baniszewski Four failed marriages, two involving the same husband, left Gertrude Baniszewski with some kids and a bitter taste for abusing others. In 1965 an unsuspecting circus couple asked her to watch over their two teenage daughters, Sylvia Marie and polio-stricken Jenny Faye Likens, for $20 a week. Baniszewski beat the girls with a mallet for tiny indiscretions, but what makes her truly evilis that she coerced her own seven children and other neighborhood kids to beat, torture and sexually abuse her captives, particularly Sylvia, aka “Cookie.” One incident involved forcing Sylvia to rape herself with a Coke bottle. On Oct. 26, 1965, Indianapolis police were called to 3850 E. New York St. where Sylvia's body lay on a mattress, starved, bruised, bleeding, burned and found “I Am A Prostitute” tattooed to her stomach. Baniszewski blamed a gang of boys, but the cops didn’t buy it. She spent 20 years of a life sentence in prison.


Cook with a Mouth
Jun 6, 2013
#midnightboyz/ #Neggas-Black & White/ #TNT
Countess of blood Elizabeth Bathory

It has long been believed that men have cornered the market on torture and brutality; historical figures such as Vlad the Impaler and the Marquis de Sade dispensing their own brands of punishment. The list of barbaric males goes on and on, but there are some ladies that could put their opposite sex to shame. One such woman was Elizabeth Bathory, whose torture and murder of her female servants branded her as, quite possibly, the world’s first female serial killer.
Elizabeth was born in August 1560, into one of the richest and most powerful families in Hungary, a family that had more than its fair share of scandalous members, including an uncle who was believed to be a worshipper of Satan, a bi-sexual aunt, Klara, with a penchant for torturing servants, and a brother, Stephan, who was prone to bouts of heavy drinking and lecherous acts. That, combined with the witness of a gyspy being sewn into a horse and left for dead at a very young age, may have played a part in the vile lady she was to later become.

At the tender age of 15, Elizabeth married Ferenc Nadasdy, a union though to have been arranged by both families as a political power move. Nadasdy was besotted with his young bride though, and as a wedding gift, he presented her with Csejte castle, and as he was often away at battle, Elizabeth was left with the task of disciplining the servants, a job she attacked with unbridled glee.

Among the punishments doled out were, beating with a heavy club, sticking pins into the lips, flesh, and under the fingernails, and, probably most brutal of all, taking the girls outside, laying them in the snow and pouring cold water on them until they froze to death. It is believed that Elizabeth had some help when it came to carrying out these acts, in the shape of her manservant Ficszko, Helena Jo, who helped look after the Bathory children, Dorka, and washerwoman Katarina. In the early 1600’s, Elizabeth befriended a woman named Anna Darvulia who was believed to have been both a lover and teacher of new torture techniques.

After the death of her husband in 1604, and the passing of Darvulia a few years later, Elizabeth’s levels of depravity and torture reached their peak. Not content to punishing her sevants, she picked young women from the surrounding area, as well as some supplied by her aunt Karla, and performed barbaric acts of cruelty and sexual abuse upon them. The blood flowed freely and legend says that Elizabeth would bathe in the crimson offal in an attempt to keep her beauty, an act that led to her receiving the moniker of the blood countess.

It is believed that Elizabeth and her gang of accomplices were involved in the murder of more than 650 young women during their reign of terror. That ended in 1610, when Gyorgy Thurzo was dispatched to investigate the alleged crimes, and collect evidence that would lead to arrest and trial. Thurzo and his men went to Cjeste Castle in December of that year and discovered one dead girl and another dying. The arrests were made, and the trial set for January, 1611; Helena, Dorka and Ficszko were sentenced to death by burning, the two women having their fingers cut off, and the manservant beheaded, before they were cast into the flames.

Elizabeth was never convicted, but was condemned to a single, walled-in room in her castle where she lived out the remainder of her days, passing in 1614 at the age of 54. The legend of the blood countess has continued to grow over the years, with the total body count and the blood bathing being brought into question, but what cannot be questioned is that Elizabeth Bathory may go down in history as the most brutally sadistic woman to have ever lived.


May 5, 2012

Susan Smith
is an American criminal who was sentenced to life in prison for murdering her children. Born in Union, South Carolina, and a former student of the University of South Carolina Union, she was convicted on July 22, 1995 for murdering her two sons, 3-year-old Michael Daniel Smith, born October 10, 1991, and 14-month-old Alexander Tyler Smith, born August 5, 1993. The case gained worldwide attention shortly after it developed, due to her claim that a black man carjacked her and kidnapped her sons


Mabel Hallam

Mabel Hallam, the wife of a streetcar conductor, reported on Aug. 13, 1908, that she had been sexually assaulted in her home on North Fifth Street. She went on to identify a black man, hod carrier George Richardson, as her assailant.

Prompted partly by racially inflammatory newspaper headlines, a white mob began attacking blacks on the street the next afternoon. The violence built, culminating in the Springfield race riot of Aug. 14-15.

On Sept. 1, Hallam recanted her identification of Richardson, and it later developed that she had not been assaulted at all, but had been entertaining a white lover. She was never punished for the false report, although the Hallam family moved out of Springfield a few months later.