I support the oppressed and those who fight back.
It's pretty easy to label any freedom fighter as some fanatical psychopath.
Last century, Black people weren't even seen as THE SAME SPECIES as white people.
Calling yourself a Black MAN, a PERSON, a HUMAN BEING is INSANE.
Through that very lense, Stokely Carmichael, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King etc.
Are seen as INSANE, literally MAD MEN.
Saying "Lol, you aren't enlightened bro" because I challenge a freakish and disgusting status quo
which involves murdering people by the thousands is kinda crazy tbh.
And screams terminally online.
**Mind you, there are people who use the same dehumanization and segregation with palestinians.
Literally no different than how "Separate but Equal" was in America.
The NOI or Black Panthers and other primarily Black organizations were and continue to be seen
as militant and fanatical and "outdated" or "unnecessary" in Post-Racial (
) America.