how does it feel to know your grand pappy was bleeding burgundy and gold
how does it feel to know your grand pappy was bleeding burgundy and gold
One final chart, extracted from the data. If you're a fan of one team, who are your friends most likely to be fans of? Here are the top five most common allegiances for Facebook friends of fans of each team. Once again, geography rulesexcept for the large numbers of Cowboys, Steelers, and Patriots fans on everybody's list. I'd say that's accuratenearly all of us know fans of those three teams.
And Redskins Dominating the cowboys. I'll take that
Tru Storymen lie women lie numbers dont
skins control the south and dallas
As long as san fran in the super bowl I dont care
didnt ReThugiclans say romney was going to win because of yard signs
And Redskins Dominating the cowboys. I'll take that
And Redskins Dominating the cowboys. I'll take that
Tru Story
But San Fran gonna lose and your gonna feel like shyt afterwards