Star Wars is FULL of coincidences.
That's not sloppy writing....or rather if you want to call it "sloppy writing" then you have to accept that this so-called sloppiness is built into the DNA of Star Wars from day 1.
Leia's ship randomly gets taken over in orbit next to the (middle of nowhere) planet where the the last Jedi Master is hiding out?
The "chosen one" happens to be on the same planet?
This "chosen one" just happens to be her BROTHER?
The military commander of the ship that captures her just happens to be her FATHER?
For me, its MUCH easier to accept that two different groups of people tracking the same ship will locate it on the same day.
Sloppy writing is just making things happen to move from one point to another.
Joker and Batman just so happening to creating each other isn’t sloppy writing.
The empire is against the rebel so yeah Vader might come across a rebel vessel he’s investigating.
You show me Mando able to remote control his jet pack then the one time he removes his pack all season and needs it he doesn’t pull it out?
thats sloppy