that's why i said in store only. if you find a store in your area with it in stock, call them and have them pull it from the back before you waste time going there. you can confirm the price over the phone if you want.says 39.99
that's why i said in store only. if you find a store in your area with it in stock, call them and have them pull it from the back before you waste time going there. you can confirm the price over the phone if you want.says 39.99
Are niche sites and blogs still profitable?
What's the best way to get passive income online theses days, in your opinion (or anyone can come in)
breh were you the one who put us on that TeeSpring website? Or was that someone else/
anyway i decided to finally go on the site and with everything race related going on right now i have alot of creative ideas for Tshirts and Hoodies to make....but part of me feels guiltyabout profiting off thisI mean I'm more relaxed with putting "slogans" on the shirts or hoodies but I don't wanna be makiing profits off placing faces of those gunned down by police...
then again some of you may tell me i should not think like that.....maybe I could still do it but use the proceedings for something that would actually help someone else
def someone else.
@-DMP- @Blacking @*L*E*G*A*C*Y* @Danie84 @houston911 @hustlemania @Claudex @Olu Dara @Nefflum nikka @midwesthiphop
what yall think of this?
first post ive put up....i have a feeling its gonna raise alot especially since this site allows you to put tags and I put gags that are likely to get alot of responses....
As I stated in the prevoius post this is not gonna be self really gonna try and help out the activists like Ashley Yates and Phillip Agnew
PS. I repeat....i'm not gonna do this for self profit . I think the biggest joker on this website even would not do something like that because I would feel its shameful and would not be able to live with myself
Honestly? the design looks cheap & it doesnt scream "wear" me , at least not to me, Good luck though
that hurts breh![]()
@-DMP- @Blacking @*L*E*G*A*C*Y* @Danie84 @houston911 @hustlemania @Claudex @Olu Dara @Nefflum nikka @midwesthiphop
what yall think of this?
aite migger-- ima need links and "how tos"
gon wait on ur links and bust an allnighter.
Breh, I don't think I actually got the point of the analogy in the shirt? Who's the figure laying down saying Eric Garner's last words?![]()
Yes sir! My apologies for the insubordination! Please find it within you to forgive me.Buy that $17.50 hoodie right now to support the cause and don't ask questions, what do you think this is? a democracy?