OK, here's somethin for the rookies.
If you tryna make money online writing; first thing I sugguest is signing up for article submission sites that split ad revenue like Hub Pages, Squidoo, Triond, Suite101, Infobarrel etc. I think Suite101 and Infobarrel are selective in who they let write for them.
Anyways, get on one or more of those sites and start writing articles. I sugguest you try to add good content as opposed to rapid fire short articles.
Stay there for a couple of months, and find out what works for you / what makes decent money.
Next, get a blog or two or three based around the topics that made you money. Could be on Blogger, Wordpress, whatever. Make sure you buy a custom domain, so you can start name branding your business.
Then, start writing for your own site. You can get on social media like Twitter, Facebook, but its really not necessary. What brings in the most money is RANKING WELL WITH SEARCH ENGINES; specifcally the BIG 3 (Google, Yahoo, Bing).
Look KEYWORD RESEARCH and BACKLINKS on the internet. Find the common techniques mentioned by most people, and apply them.
DIVERSIFY YOUR INCOME STREAMS: For example; have Google Adsense ads, Amazon Affilate Banners, Paypal donation buttons, etc
Thats all I can think of atm.
The most important thing is to GET YOUR OWN WEBSITE DOMAN. (
I was writing for eHow before they screwed the writers over. I was makin $200 a month in PASSIVE INCOME. Wasn't much, but it was coming in on the monthly, AND it was growing.