Anyone cop anything for RSD 2015?
I was able to snag the Black Star RSD 7" for list price after it was all said and done. Couldn't make it to record store day in person. My local store probably only had one copy and were playing around when I asked them for specifics. My usual online spot wanted $19 plus shipping but it never showed up in stock. Another spot wanted $23 total but that was still to high priced for my blood. The two copies that they had got snatched up quickly as well.
Kweli had pre sale copies on his web store as well. First day, the price was $17.50 but I decided not to order from him because his shipping prices are wild. Last time I checked, he wanted $5 to ship a CD and it cost me $7 to ship a double LP knowing damn well media mail is at most $4. The next day, the price on his site ballooned to $24. F U C K all of that.
I had all but resigned myself to not getting a copy. Since I was bored, I randomly decided to check Fatbeats' web store. To my surprise, they had the 7" for below list price, decently priced media mail shipping and I used a 10% percent off coupon. All that came to RSD MSRP with no extra hassle/ legwork on my part. This worked out perfectly for me. Especially since eBay is having a field day with the release.
SN: I still stick to my previous statements that RSD is a huge sham/ scam.
For anyone interested, here are the two songs.