I really left a lucrative profession for one that doesn't pay well. People keep telling me I need to make more money. Thing is, nobody becomes a cook to get rich. Chefs make 15-17 dollars an hour in the bay. Chefs are the top of their field.
I cook because I love to cook. Eventually I'll have a couple businesses to help me make ends meet, but even with college degree I will not be rich. I am happy with that. I want everyone to be.
When I made almost 50 an hour and had my own business people didn't support me and told me to get a job. I got a job and people don't support that and they tell me I'm broke.
People will always have something negative to say. I have to live my life for me and that's what I do.
I'm getting job offers too. I got an offer from one of the best spots in the O. I didn't apply. The head chef asked me to work there. I want to work as a grill cook this summer.
My advice to anyone with nothing is to dream big and never let anyone take your dreams from you. At my lowest I always have my dreams to up-lift me. When I was kid sometimes I'd cry myself to sleep because I was so sad. To stop crying I'd think about all my dreams and I'd feel excited and motivated.
I shouldn't have gone far in soccer. But I did. I shouldn't be succeeding in this career and I am. I shouldn't be alive. What else can I do that I'm not supposed to do?