Here's some game.
Being cold, cruel, merciless or whatever you tell yourself to appease your ego won't get you shyt in life but loneliness and misery. Unhappy jaded people with hurt feelings from being mistreated think like that. Life isn't about being selfish and only thinking of yourself. It's not about hurting people because you can. You need people in this life no matter what you tell yourself. But whatever people gonna do what they want to stroke their on self important egos. Until people wake up old and alone with a lifetime of pain. All in all the only person you hurting is yourself with that mentality. Just accept you don't know shyt about life and treat muthafukkas decent. Do onto other as you want done onto you. Golden rule and all that jazz. I swear I'm happy I ain't mentally fukked up like that to were I feel I have to be ruthless for no reason. Really to me it's some petty sucka shyt. Like you don't have to be a certain way because you've been done wrong and you don't have to turn cold cause people been cold to you. shyt makes me giggle at the self importance. But alas some people like being fukked up and spreading their misery and hurt around. Truth is a lot of muthafukkas don't even like themselves and get through life using people cause they been used. Love yaself and you'll learn that being selfish and about self isn't where it's at.
I always been solid so shyt always fall in my lap. Cause I know how to treat muthafukkas and people for the most part give me that love back. That's why I'm always catching these blessings. But what do I know lol. I'm about to roll up and watch basket ball.
@Darth Plagueis I got a lot of respect for you and you're a good man. We're a lot a like in so many ways. I pray you don't let other people steal that goodness from cause the world needs more people like us and not more cold people. How can we want love if nobody wants to give it anymore or don't care?