@Prynce You were right, bro.
My ideals of love and my pursuit of bringing them into reality have failed, I have destroyed myself with these delusions but I'll rebuild from the ruins and I'll be even more merciless and stronger with a deathly cold grip.
I feel you bro. I've learn the only thing you can do is rebuild.
For myself I'm just lucky to have a strong mind and will power that keeps me from off the edge. I can't lie i've been at the pit of despair a few times this past year. Like I really thought I was losing it mentality and I did some shyt that had people around me bugging but I pulled myself out of it and still I have a lot of optimism. End of the day I have the curse of pride and while it has some negatives like not knowing to let go because of ego, it does allow me to bounce back better than better and continue on trying to manifest thing I want. I have/had a issue with controlling my emotions and letting them run wild but I'm getting it under control. I found a passion/hobby that consumes my time lol. Between school and music I found a lot of peace of mind. But to be honest the last straw were I really had to get through it and let it go fully was when my character and intentions got attacked. That shyt really bothered me a lot like I had to smoke one to get past that cause it really hurt cause I pride myself on being sincere. Made me realize that a person who could think that negatively about you ain't really for you. It was freeing and i'm actually in a very good spot mentality because of it. All in all life ain't perfect and things will hurt me but I found that everything I need is with in me and that makes me happy. Also I learned that everything is temporary. I got a lot of love to give and I'm gonna give it to myself and the people who hold me down. I can't let somebody get in my head and heart so deep again where I fukking crack up if shyt goes south. I'm smarter and wiser now. No more going out sad and I have to become a better judge of character. I gotta stop being drawn to certain types of people.
Also breh I didn't know you was @the Mic until now

I'll pm you to talk breh

You always been real to me and I appreciate it