SO I don't know what's going on.
I'm at work right now. I just hit up this girl yesterday I used to live with for over a year a couple of years back in Bushwick. I remember when she moved in I was just playing the cool roomate thing, being on some friendly shyt not even thinking about anything sexual, completely plutonic, then one night when we went out & she took me out to grab some drinks on my birthday and while we were walking to the bar and talking she got my dikk hard. I was getting really nervous she might of noticed, and ofcourse cause we were walking together out in public at the bar.
then during the time we continued to live togther, the sexual tension between us you could cut with a knife. It was so bad. I felt like we were really trying to urge fight the urge to fukk the whole time we lived together. I noticed she was giving off signals to me and I was to her, but I didn't want to make anything awkward by us having sex while continuing to live together as roommate. I remember before we moved out I was taking a shower in teh bathroom, she came back from work and just jumped in the bathroom to pee and told me "yea Sagat, I have to pee don't mind me". while I was showering in the stall next to the toilet she was on. I actually was hoping she would jump in the shower with me, lol. Then when I got out of the shower I noticed her staring at my junk while I had my towel on with a starry eyed look. So much sexual tension. It came out so awkwardly between us. We would have arguments living with each other cause I guess we were having issues trying to figure out how we felt about each other and obviously alot of it was the sexual tension manifesting itself. So it would be easier for her to yell to me about the volume of my music and stuff. But We also smoked weed together and chilled together. I guess my thing was I was seeing other women at the time while she was seeing other guys but when we were alone it was was just us trying to prolong the inevitable. Doesn't hurt that she's a cute chick too.
So I talked to her on the phone yesterday. First time we've talked in years. i've sent her messages on IG. I can tell she was thinking about me too cause she didn't seem like she was annoyed by my call, she actually enjoyed it.
I've felt like I was coming too hard and was being too persistent talking to her lately, but she enjoys it.
I've told her I wanted to see her and if she came back to New York to visit to give me a call. she said she'd call me if she would decide to come up to New York and see me. I don't know if she's seeing somebody though, but if she was, she surely didn't sound like it on the phone.
I don't want to get into a relationship w/ her either, but I think both of us know this is unfinished business, she's one of the few women in my life I've known for over a year that wasn't a GF or family member...hence the way she reacted when I called her at work....she was shocked and laughing. I think it's obvious both of us wanted this to happen but didn't know how to go about it.