brehett banned herself
welp i'm off too brehett banned herself
welp i'm off too
eat a dikk bytchBye.
eat a dikk bytch
stfu Selinadid you not just say you are leaving?
There's a video. His fiance found out thru Facebook.Is there an actual video of this or are you just ranting?
No i was really saying bye. Dingbat.stfu Selina
your rude ass
did i offend you this morning?
stop attacking me
that's heterophobia
I'm not in Oakland.punk ass bytch
yellow ass hoe
he really will swing on her if i ever seen her in Oakland
Bye doofus.i won
bye guys
Remember folks:
Kevin Arnold and Winnie Cooper's knew each other their entire life, loved each other cheated on each and didn't end up with each other
And they made a great couple, so the majority of you don't stand a chance