Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
People are so inconsiderate. That's what I learned my first day as the boss.

I had no complaints and no disasters. I unified the kitchen on some forced integration shyt, hahaha. My boss's boss doesn't ask her shyt. He asks me directly. Same thing with her peers. I can tell they don't trust her, but they trust me. They left me in charge of the whole department yesterday.

It was crazy. The people who taught me everything were checking in with me like I was their boss. Technically I am, but to me they're like Gods. The gave me life.

I'm not going to lie, I loved it. Even the bad parts. I was born to lead. I didn't do much. I helped everyone stay on schedule and handled all guest complaints.

Being a kitchen supervisor is about having answers and knowing what is going on at all times. Since I work every station I helped everyone for 8 hours.

I can't believe I got the kitchen to work together. Lol there's a battle I call FOH vs BOH. Neither understand each other. But they need each other to succeed. They're very different people. Kitchen staff are all A type personalities. We like things to be correct and we're not friendly.

FOH folks are extroverts, emotional, friendly, and they're flexible.

BOH makes the food and FOH serves the food.

They both work hard, but they assume the other doesn't. They don't play nice with each other.

It's nice to be the boss again. I almost threw up a handful of times. That part sucks. I forgot how anxious I get.

My boss told me she was shocked I got it done with call outs, and no additional help. I told her I don't know how I did it, I got lucky. I know exactly how I did it and I didn't get lucky.

People gotta stop sleeping on my ability to lead. I'm not smart. I'm not good looking. But I am a great leader because I pay attention to everything and I play dumb all the time.