Literally my life
follow my silhouetteWhy wouldn't I be Romeo?
If sucide isn't a requisite then I'm downfollow my silhouette
and you can be my last kiss
slide me some.I feel this cocaine is coming down
I probably should stop doing that shyt
It really fukks my nose up
I bet all your days end like that.This will not end well
Just got back from cali
I see why you succumbed to the pawgs years ago @Supreme Leader Reinscarf
Every man should be feasting over there
Aren't you against interracial relationships?what part did you go to?
if you go to romania now thats pawg heaven
AightI bet all your days end like that.
That nikka?Aren't you against interracial relationships?
its random thoughts that get sent straight to your phoneI joined discord just to be nosey...LOL.