I was riding around the city yesterday and these kids followed me for like an hour. I thought if I ignored them they'd go away. Hahaha, I was wrong. They were mesmerized by me doing tricks on my bikes.
I suck, lol, it's true, though to a child I'm pretty good. Anyway, I taught them to bunny hop, assemble their bars and stems, and how to ride without hands.
It reminded me how much I love teaching children. It's the only thing I'm a natural at.
I did my first tire ride yesterday and my first crooked grind.
I forgot how many kids aren't the getting the attention they need. Those kids had no business following a strange adult around. Their parents are lucky I'm not a pervert or kidnapper. Lol they were dirty ghetto kids with no supervision. Just like me and my friends growing up.
Yesterday was a good day. I haven't worked with kids in years. I haven't been treated like I know left from right in two years. In the kitchen I'm a student and I play dumb a lot. They don't know me at all, I like it that way.
I dunno if anybody remembers when I said I wanted to get a community garden popping. That idea is rolling now.
Maybe I shouldn't have switched careers.
Adults don't appreciate shyt they just want more shyt. A child will appreciate whatever you do, until they're into something else.
I like being alone all the time. I know it isn't healthy, but I'm happy as shyt. I want to work, ride my bike, kick it with my best friend, go to school, make delicious food and smoke blunts.