High thoughts:
-Online forums are the future "communities". There's a certain ease to be able to live life then report it to anonymous "friends" that share your ideals/beliefs even in the slight sense. Theres no stigma cuz you still go out and live like any other person, but we've learned in this day and age that we can be completely honest to online "friends" with truths that simply can't be told to "real friends" due to a plethora of reasons (blackmail, judgement, not understanding, etc).
I say this because I'm watching the playoffs at my crib alone, yet watching and commenting simultaneously with other Coli members in the Coliseum, as well as watching people tweet in real time to the game, while texting a fine female. With cell phones, tablets, people at work/home on the computer, laptops, etc. its complete connection. You just gotta decide what types of people you connect to.
-I'm gonna cop a dope 14k gold pinky ring. Put it on the watch hand (left). Maybe diamond cut. If you knew me you'd say it'd suit me.