30 minute phone call with this potential company. They want to sit down in two weeks..................developing.
Make a list of everything you like and dislike at your current job and then a list of some "nice to haves". That way when they ask you if you have any questions you can kind of base them off your likes, dislikes and nice to haves. If they are good interviewers they will touch on most of them when they are giving their spiel. They sought you out too? They are going to be so far up your ass in that interview LMAO!Interview tomorrow afternoon, not really nervous but more concerned about making the best decision if I get an offer
pics or naw?I got my hair cut yesterday and I hate it but I like it because at least it's cut. It was WILD. I got it tapered around the nape and sides and everything else was just trimmed and he lined me up. It's extremely masculine although the pic I showed him was a female. She had more hair than me though so hopefully if my hair starts growing out it will look better. I will say rocking a hat is 10x better because I don't have a bunch of hair/beady beads falling out the sides
naw.pics or naw?
Make a list of everything you like and dislike at your current job and then a list of some "nice to haves". That way when they ask you if you have any questions you can kind of base them off your likes, dislikes and nice to haves. If they are good interviewers they will touch on most of them when they are giving their spiel. They sought you out too? They are going to be so far up your ass in that interview LMAO!