my homeboy from bschool hits me trying to get some industry advice & introductions, he sent me his resume - which is horrible - and some generic job titles he's looking for (project management? outside of defense & energy, this title automatically means you have no skill set - really). i hit him back to try to give him some advice, especially regarding his resume - dude is a dunce, was cringeworthy to witness in class - he hasn't hit me back after i followed up with him twice. i think he got let go from his first job, has been "working on a business" past nine months, but hasn't found another full time gig. don't waste people's time about jobs/job advice if you're not serious, especially if you have glaring gaps in your skill set and your resume. people kill me with how idiotic they can be in regards to their career, especially with the amount of debt from school i know he's holding, dude needs to get it together